Romance Author Battles To End Domestic Violence

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( — October 5, 2015) Portland, Oregon —  USA Today Bestselling Author AJ Harmon wants to do more to help survivors of domestic violence. After viewing a TV commercial sponsored by, AJ became frustrated with the issue, inspiring her bestselling book “A Choice for Claire”, a romance novel about Claire, a domestic violence survivor.

Harmon chose a domestic violence shelter, Bradley Angle – the first shelter on the west coast – as the charity for her Passion in Portland Author Event. “We didn’t raise as much money as I thought we would at the event,” AJ explained. “And it’s been bothering me. When I delivered the funds to the shelter, I was given a quick tour. I saw first-hand the desperate need and it has only re-enforced my desire to do more.”

In an attempt to raise awareness and funds for domestic violence survivors AJ has launched an Indiegogo campaign. “It’s a grand experiment!” Harmon exclaimed. “I’m trying to use what little influence I have as an author, and the story in my book, to recruit more voices and resources to the cause. When I prove that an author can raise funds for this cause using the Indiegogo platform, I can go to my author friends and together we can launch a larger national campaign with regional shelters as benefactors.

“Actors may be able to raise awareness, but writers can raise funds and make a difference,” AJ joked. “The need is so great. Women and children are escaping dangerous situations with only the clothes on their backs and they need help staying safe and starting over. In my book, Claire escapes with the help of a friend and with some expensive jewelry she can pawn. I wrote it that way because it was easier to get to my happy ending. In real life, such resources are not always available. Shelters serve as friends and generous supporters fund the starting over process – safety and security are the first goal, and a happy ending will be a ways down the road.”

Domestic violence effects everyone in one form or another. According to, 12.7 million people are physically abused, raped or stalked by their partner each year. That’s approximately the population of New York City and Los Angeles combined, or 24 human beings abused every minute across the USA. It’s probably happening right now to someone you know.

The US Department of Justice statistics state: 1.3 million women and 835,000 men are physically abused annually by an intimate partner. Nearly 25% of women and 7.6% of men in a fifty state study were raped by a domestic or dating partner. The CDC estimated that in 2004 IPV (Intimate Partner Violence) cost 8.3 billion dollars and 8 million paid work days and 5.6 million household productive days. We all pay the price of domestic violence, but survivors have to live with the scars.

“I’m an author not an activist,” stated Harmon. “A story came to me and I wrote it. A Choice For Claire changed the way I see things and created a desire to be part of the solution. I thought that by raising funds for a local shelter at my northwest author event, I’d be able to check it off of my to-do list and move on. But after measuring our results against the vast need and endless gratitude of volunteers and survivors, I’ve come to understand that we must do more.

“Indiegogo allows me to reward supporters for their efforts and resources contributed to the cause,” AJ explained. “It’s always nice to be surrounded by things that remind you that you make a difference in this world and someone appreciates it.”

The Indiegogo campaign in scheduled to run until November 4, 2015. The goal is $1,725. Supporters can make any size contribution they desire. Reward levels have been set up to inspire generosity.

“Every dollar helps! If every one of my friends on social media only contributed a dollar, we’d raise 5 times my goal,” Harmon smiled. “If they encouraged just three of their friends to join us we’d raise over $30,000 to help survivors. If you do nothing else, please add your voice to the cause. Share this campaign and your opinion on the issue across your social media. Let abusers know we won’t stand for violent behavior. Let survivors know they have a choice and help from shelters like Bradley Angle.”

To learn more about how you can help visit:



AJ Harmon published her debut novel in November of 2012 on Amazon. She now has 15 novels and 4 novellas available from Kindle, Nook and iTunes.

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