(Newswire.net — November 19, 2015) — Academic studies can be really fascinating sometimes, but you can never be sure whether they correspond to real experience, they can often be taken for granted if you don’t have much experience of your own, and thus can mislead you in a way that you make incorrigible mistakes when you are doing your best to behave properly while on a date.
According to one of these studies, men often make mistakes like showing off their wealth, muscles or energy capacities in order to impress women. Since we know for a fact that this kind of behavior was common with cavemen and that cavewomen didn’t make any objections, who are we to judge? On the other hand, when on a date, women try to eat lightly, exaggerate with their outfit, try to appear modest, don’t laugh out loud, never mention their male friends and wild girls’ nights out and so on, in order to be accepted as a potential girlfriend. But do heterosexual men change the amount or type of food they eat in front of women? A new study out of Cornell University gives you the answer to this question.
The study was carried out during lunch hours at an Italian restaurant where customers bought meals at the “all you can eat” pizza and salad buffet. Researchers observed 105 customers who were between 18 to 81 years old, 60 out of 105 were men. To calculate food intake, the researchers noted down how much pizza and salad customers took at the buffet, and then subtracted anything that was left on their plates when they left. Also needed variable was whether they were seated with at least one member of the opposite sex.
It turned out that men with a female companion devoured significantly more food, 93 percent more pizza and 86 percent more salad, than men who ate with men. Women’s food intake, on the other hand, wasn’t significantly affected by who their companion was. The evolutionary explanation for their findings is that: “Eating heavily” is a man’s way of “showing off” in front of potential mates. Since the study’s sample was small and we don’t actually know whether all male subjects of the study were heterosexual, maybe it’s better to say that for some reason, men tend to eat more when they eat with women.
The point is, when it comes to food, women don’t think about food itself, but whether they will be able to feed the man or make him a satisfactory meal should he become her husband. Trust me on that.