Gadgets And Things Announces Scott Tucker Tofu Machine

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( — December 5, 2015) Chicago, Ill. — Scott Tucker announced the invention of his “Tofu Pressing Machine,” in the most recent Gadgets and Things article. Gadgets and Things will publish photos and additional product details after the tofu press hits shelves for public purchase this December.

“We love all kitchen gadgets and are really happy with the new product from Tucker,” says Gadgets and Things contributor Brady Collins. “Normally, the big companies corner the food gadget market and small time inventors don’t ever get a shot at becoming well known for their genius creations. The Tofu Press is truly a great gadget though, Tucker has filled a niche in my heart with this product.”

The press, which forces excess water from tofu, fits up to two blocks of firm or extra firm tofu within for draining allowing maximum production. Each block of tofu pressed in the gadget requires five minutes of draining time to fully extract the excess water. Tofu can be repressed multiple times to achieve more dramatic water removal.

“This machine was an obvious invention for me but it took some time for me to finally get some blueprints and manufacturing plans hammered out,” says Tucker. “I don’t make tofu all the time but I cook it enough to know there needed to be a simple gadget to extract the water other than the traditional methods. It’s funny to imagine myself stacking books on top of plates and waiting an hour to get just a fraction of the water out.”

The “Tofu Pressing Machine,” will be available at a small selection of Arizona restaurant supply stores. The machine’s cost will start at $20 per unit and will be available in polished steel, copper, or black enamel finish.

Gadgets and Things published additional information about the science behind Tucker’s new invention in a recent blog article. Pictures will be published on the blog after the official public release.

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