(Newswire.net — December 22, 2015) Kobe, Hyogo-ken — Winter Solstice is a key turning point every year, it brings an end to the shortening of days and heralds the shift which has us moving into longer days and shorter nights. Something which brings great appreciation from many, along with a greater sense of positivity and warmth internally. Those with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) can in some way draw the greatest benefit though.
Seasonal Affective Disorder
Seasonal Affective Disorder affects more than 3 million people a year in the US and is characterised by serious shifts in mood and disposition during winter time when there is less natural sunlight. The shorter days can thus have a very serious effect on some people. SAD itself brings symptoms very similar to depression, including sad, anxious and empty feelings, loss of interest in things that would usually seem enjoyable, reduced cognitive ability, along with problems sleeping according to Medline.
So whilst the shortening of days in the run up to winter solstice affect many people it is likely those with SAD that feel the strongest effects. With the pivotal point of winter solstice though the days begin to become longer again and as such people can enjoy increasingly longer days and of course greater amounts of sunshine. Something which is positive for all in terms of the mental health benefits the sun brings, especially those with SAD. Though there is far more than this to aid psychological wellbeing during the winter months.
A Ray of Hope
Winter solstice offers a ray of hope and signals change, the effects in greater form can take time in coming though as the days extend very gradually at first. The Mayo Clinic states that other things which can aid with SAD include learning how to manage stress, something of benefit to all and can aid in removing baseline issues which become amplified by the condition. Also they recommend the identification and changing of negative thoughts and behaviours, which can be easier than many believe.
The combination of stress management, even if only small amounts are perceived, along with the clearing of negative thoughts and behaviours can benefit more people than just those with SAD. They are factors which underlie part of life for almost everyone, yet while most people tend to ignore them they can be relatively easily treated in simple and effective ways.
Other Things That Can Aid Mental Health
Meditation is increasingly noted as having strong impact on psychological health, through both the mental and emotional side of wellbeing. As time is taken to quieten and release stress can disappear and the heart and mind become free again. Mindfulness meditation has seen much testing in this respect, and brings with it the opportunity to detach and release from negativity, much in line with recommendations from the Mayo Clinic.
The use of other meditative techniques and resources can be beneficial too. The perception of light, sunshine and the beauty of nature can bring a much need lifted to the soul. In this respect doing a simple meditation, just sitting and relaxing while viewing a video bringing in the beauty of a sunrise can be good. Sunrise is a time of day that is often filled with wonder due to the colours that shift in the sky and the awakening of life. When these things are coupled with nature sounds, or relaxing music in a video they offer an opportunity for boosting a persons mental health on demand.
A further option which brings great flexibility to people is the use of ho’oponopono. This Hawaiian spiritual technique updated by Mornnah Simeona offers people the opportunity to release negativity “on the go” with its use of four simple phrases that clean thoughts and feelings. As a person recites the phrases, either aloud or within their mind, they shift the way they think and feel to a point of greater calm and positivity.
Boosting Psychological Wellbeing
So whilst winter solstice brings light back and positivity with it, the recommendation for anyone with SAD is to use ho’oponopono and also to draw on the various psychological benefits of meditation, https://surginglife.com is one of the online resources there to help anyone with such matters.
About SurgingLife
SurgingLife brings aid for everyone seeking positive life change. For those who have been wondering what they can do in order to realise a far more positive lifestyle and a good quality of life, this site is the place to get the help needed. Drawing from meditation, essential oils, ho’oponopono, brainwave entrainment and a wide variety of other things there is solid ground to help those wishing to make meaningful life changes and achieve joyful living. The website can be found at https://surginglife.com
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