People Observe Presidential Race Like a Car Crash

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( — September 24, 2016) Las Vegas, NV — Observing the Presidential race is fast becoming an American hobby, according to a recent internet poll. Like slowing down to gawk at a car crash, people are spending 22% more time reading and commenting on political posts on Facebook and other news sites.

“With increased awareness, one would hope more people will not simply vote, but be informed voters,” stated Jamie Sarrucco of Freedom Success Today. “However, with the explosion of the internet also came the ability for anyone to have an opinion, put up a blog and even resemble a vetted News site. Many of these informed voters are being grossly misinformed.”

Sarrucco is not alone in her observations about the media. When giants such as CNN are exposed for faking a “remote” news story with satellite feed and both reporters are in the same parking lot, people’s trust in journalism continues to erode.

The recent WikiLeaks exposure of Hillary Clinton’s emails further chips away at knowing what information to believe and whose agenda is behind the stories we read and repeat at the 21st century water cooler-Facebook.

The increased political commentary has ruffled a few feathers of many people. All political campaigns have negativity in them. But the negativity by the two candidates’ supporters is unparalleled. It’s been said, everyone has an opinion, but when one hides behind their computer, people are more likely to voice that opinion without any filter.

“Making fun of a politician is not new or surprising. What is surprising is how emotional people are in this election season,” said Ognen Petrovski, designer of Crooked Deck, a political card game that insults all politicians equally. “We decided to embrace the sarcasm and showcase the ridiculousness on all sides.”

Petrovski has put his talents in motion. The game is heating up on the crowdfunding site, Indiegogo. People can back his project and receive a deck of cards in return. Petrovski has designed 3 separate decks including the TRUMP DECK, HILLARY DECK and the WTF DECK. Each deck is a regular set of playing cards. However, each deck also comes with a set of wild cards. People can play any standard game or the “Crooked Deck” game which is a modified version of gin rummy. “The wild cards are what makes this an especially fun game… pull a Trump card (called the “wall”) and you block another player’s turn. If you draw the Loretta Lynch card, you get to make up your own rule.

Petrovski and his team are also announcing a crowd source opportunity for the public to make up their own game and submit it. After submission, people can vote on their favorite game and the makers of Crooked Deck will release that game. There are even some prizes available.

“We aren’t announcing all the prizes yet. However, the top prize will be a week’s vacation on a private island in Belize,” said Petrovski.

While many people are threatening to move to Canada if their candidate loses, Belize sounds like a nice alternative.

About Crooked Deck

Crooked Deck is a political card game of irreverent humor.

Crooked Deck

848 N. Rainbow Blvd
Suite 807
Las Vegas, NV 89107
United States