Kids Record Parents on Drugs

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( — October 14, 2016) —The video shows a semi-conscious father and mother, sitting on the bed and floor, while their distraught children tried to get them to stand up. However, due to enormous amount of drugs they just rolled their eyes and stayed lying motionless.

At one moment in the video, “Mom, get up” is heard, but there is no reaction. The children then started calling their father, who sat on the ground and wiggled a little, but could not say anything.

The voice in the video said that the father looks like someone has chucked a bucket of ice over him. “You can not be like this in front of your kids” said the boy. The video was taken in South America, but does not specify in which city.

This is just one of the horrifying scenes of heroin addict parents from around the world, which appeared on the Internet in recent weeks.

Police in Eastern Liverpool, Ohio, put up shocking photographs on their official Facebook page in early October, in the hope that it might affect other addicts.

The photos show a man and a middle-aged woman who overdosed on heroin, while her four year old son sat in the back seat of the car.

Police intervened to avoid a collision between the car and school bus. When officers approached the car they found the driver incomprehensible, shaking his head back and forth.

The man, identified as 47 year old James Chord, told the police that he was on his way to take his partner Rhonda Pashek to the hospital as she was unconscious.

Chord tried to escape, but the police officers stopped him. They then noticed the young boy in the back seat. Both adults survived the overdose after being treated with the opioid antidote Narcan when an ambulance arrived on the scene, and the boy, Pashek’s son, was removed from her custody and taken to a family friend. James and Rhonda are facing criminal charges.

The driver was sentenced to 180 days in jail and will have to pay $435.