(Newswire.net — January 8, 2017) Kobe, Hyogo-ken — SurgingLife founder Stephen Frost has helped many entrepreneurs over the years to develop their businesses and lives to the state of success they wished them to be. In a new move Stephen is now seeking 20 people to closely work with who are seeking to create massively positive change in their lives and turn themselves into successes. Having worked with many who were already reasonably successful, he feels it is now time to use his abilities and knowledge to help those still unsure about what to do in focus and working in such a way as to transform their own lives in a big way.
Standards For Success
There are a wealth of factors that influence the ability of people in terms of creating success within their lives. There are a number of standards for success which can be distilled from those factors too. It is through working with these standards and influencing the various other important factors that the new SurgingLife program seeks to aid 20 people with creating success in their lives. Thus proving how easily people can develop success when their mindset is right and they have the right aid and commitment.
Positive Psychology And Life Change
The core of the program has two critical elements to it with the inner most one being about positive psychology and developing a degree of life change that creates the foundation for success. In short, it is about developing the mindset of success. This is a core focus of the coaching work which Stephen has carried out since creating his first business in 2005.
Those who are selected to become a part of the program will receive exclusive coaching assistance from Stephen in such a way as to promote their psychological state into one that magnetises success to them. This will involve regular sessions via Skype and the commitment to working through all issues holding them back, regardless of whether they believe the issue to be important or not. Often many of the things which people believe are irrelevant are having a far larger effect than they realise. As such, prior to being accepted within the program each person will be required to commit to being completely open and truthful so that they can achieve the best result possible. In doing so, they will have the greatest opportunity for achieving the success that they seek.
Hands On Business Training
The second element that is core to the program is focused on cultivating business expertise and ability from the ground up. Installing all of the skills and knowledge required in order for the people involved to cultivate their own successful business via a very simple model which is easy to follow and has the potential for generating freedom in a wonderful way.
Health And Success
Good health is a critical component of achieving true and real success. Without good health it is impossible to fully enjoy the benefits which come as a result of the work undertaken within a business or other manner to create success. As a result of this, the entire project will have a focus on the development of quality health, both the development of personal health in terms of those directly involved and also the type of business they will be coached in the development of.
A Unique Opportunity From Stephen Frost And SurgingLife
The SurgingLife program offers those who become involved a truly unique opportunity for creating massive life change for themselves. The combination of high level executive coaching provided by experienced professional coach and founder of SurgingLife, Stephen Frost, whilst at the same time being mentored in the building and development from the ground up of a holistic wellness business, offers something that is unavailable elsewhere, believes Stephen.
Stephen has placed as a major objective of this program the outcome that those involved will become true lifestyle entrepreneurs. Whilst creating the opportunity for those involved to develop their own self sustaining income, the deeper purpose goes much further. In addition to becoming self sustaining, a key goal is that those involved will continue on to aid others in developing success for themselves whilst also aiding more and more people on a wider basis to achieve greater health and freedom for themselves. Things which are fully in-line with the core purpose of SurgingLife as a whole, the achievement of wellness and freedom for those who desire it.
Accessing The Success Builder Opportunity
SurgingLife founder Stephen Frost is keen to aid as many people to develop true freedom and wellness in life via everything he does. For this program he is keeping numbers strictly limited so as to create the best opportunity for success for those involved. It is anticipated that there will be a great number interested and as such there will be a selection process involved in order to fulfil the limited slots available. Those interested in working with Stephen, gaining coaching and mentoring from him and following the model for creating their own health focused business should go to the page for the special SurgingLife Manifesting Prosperity Abundance and Freedom program and complete the request for involvement form, following which they will be contacted with details of the rest of the process. For all those seeking success in life, Stephen and SurgingLife wishes them the greatest of fortune and joy in the successful attainment of their dreams.
About SurgingLife
SurgingLife brings aid for everyone seeking positive life change. For those who have been wondering what they can do in order to realise a far more positive lifestyle and a good quality of life, this site is the place to get the help needed. Drawing from meditation, essential oils, ho’oponopono, brainwave entrainment and a wide variety of other things there is solid ground to help those wishing to make meaningful life changes and achieve joyful living. Plus of course the world class Coaching and Breakthrough Life Change programs directed by founder Stephen Frost. The website can be found at https://surginglife.com
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Kobe, Hyogo-ken 657-0812