(Newswire.net — January 26, 2017) — As more and more communication is carried out by e-mail, it is important to be aware of the dangers that such a manner of communication entails.
The truth is that most people is unaware of what their email boxes contain. Emails are interconnected to all of our other digital accounts, from bank accounts to social networks such as Facebook and LinkedIn, storage services such as iCloud and Dropbox, online shops such as Amazon and eBay, where you most likely have your credit card details stored as well, and so on. And hackers know how to take advantage of all the information that we keep in our emails and how to use them and cause us harm. Hackers want all the details they can possibly get, no matter if the attacked target is the company’s CEO, a celebrity or just someone ordinary with “nothing valuable”. Whoever has an identity and an e-mail address is a target, as they have valuable travel itineraries, contracts and even a list of contacts’ e-mails, numbers and physical addresses which hackers can use for identity theft or to sell on the dark web to spammers. Therefore hacking can seriously damage the company’s reputation if this confidential information is stolen. Not to mention the financial damage, as last year, when the BBC reported hacking has become a global problem, Google and antivirus software provider, McAfee, estimated that there are approximately 2,000 cyber-attacks around the world every single day, costing the global economy roughly £300 billion per year.
This is why it is of vital importance to protect the company’s network from attackers.
When choosing a company to perform this task, it is important to make sure that they would be willing to go the extra mile in tailoring their service to their clients.
EveryCloud Technologies maintains a blog with up-to-date information for the support and protection of emails https://www.everycloudtech.com/blog. It offers a variety of services such as email protection, continuity, archiving and encryption. Ever since the company was started in 2009, its efforts were focused on finding the newest and most efficient ways to achieve these tasks by using feature rich and secure technology. This approach has lead the company to become the market leader. Through many successful reviews of its satisfied customers, EveryCloud was chosen as the Highest Rated Hosted Spam Filtering Vendor on Spiceworks.com, a community which consists of 6 million IT Professionals. One reviewer, named John Clough, highly rated the company saying that is offers a ‘fabulous product, very easy to set up and configure.” He also added that it is “very functional, and most importantly does a brilliant job of filtering spam.”
With offices in United Kingdom and United States, the company efficiently filters over 300 million emails a month for over 4,000 organisations. EveryCloud’s service is used in 13 different countries with the company’s expert guidance being available all the way throughout the customer’s experience journey, from initial set up to renewal, with dedicated account managers and support representatives.
Emails are vital in order for the organization to fulfill its daily duties and therefore are a crucial component of getting the job done. It is in charge of how the company communicates to the outer world, how employees interact internally, how updates are followed through and further educating and training staff. Outside hackers are constantly trying to break in and disrupt these networks.
A typical hacker attack is never a one-step simple procedure. Rather, it is more likely that the attacker will use a combination of several techniques to break all the levels of protection.
Email hacking is a serious crime as the consequences of this act can be very severe. Forbes estimates the cost to reach $2 Trillion by the year 2019.