Tops Cannabis on Proposition 64 Regulation Loopholes

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( — March 31, 2017) Huntington Beach, CA — With the passage of Proposition 64 in California in 2016, recreational marijuana became legal in the state. California is now the fifth U.S. state to pass recreational marijuana laws, joining Oregon, Colorado, Washington, and Alaska. Along with the legalization came specific guidelines and restrictions. Tops Cannabis, a leading medical marijuana delivery service, knows that state legislators are already seeking ways of making regulations even more restrictive in 2017. Currently, the cannabis industry is mostly self-regulated, adhering to broad state guidelines under current laws. Politicians around the state want to change that. “Many of the proposed legislative restrictions are excessive,” says a spokesperson for the delivery service company. “Besides, these efforts undermine state voters’ decision to legalize recreational cannabis in the first place.” To learn more about regulations being proposed by state lawmakers, visit

Currently, there are four major regulations for state residents under the age of 21. Those people are not allowed to purchase cannabis products or even be on the property of a marijuana retailer. Further, they cannot be employed by a cannabis business in the state. Finally, those under the age of 21 are forbidden from handling cannabis products, regardless of type. Assemblyman Adam Gray (D-Merced) proposed additional restrictions in Assembly Bill 729. Some of the proposals include zoning restrictions on marijuana businesses, keeping them a minimum of 600 feet from churches, playgrounds, and hospitals. If passed, the proposals would also authorize law enforcement officials to conduct sting operations and surprise inspections of marijuana retail establishments. Signage posted on the front of such retail business to keep out patrons younger than the age of 21 would also be required. The ultimate goal of the proposed legislation is to protect young people. Lawmakers urge that California residents vote to regulate the marijuana industry in much the same way that tobacco and alcohol products are regulated. Gray also authored AB 1143, proposing legislation to regulate billboard advertising for marijuana-based businesses. Other California lawmakers are in the process of drawing up more legislative proposals.

Critics of the proposal under AB 729 say that these proposed regulations add unnecessary hurdles that will hurt both the consumer and the business. “By pushing cannabis businesses away with aggressive zoning restrictions, medical marijuana patients and recreational consumers are greatly inconvenienced,” adds the delivery company spokesperson. “It hurts the business itself and the people who rely on these products to help control serious health conditions.” Tops Cannabis has been providing a discreet, safe, and convenient at-home medical marijuana delivery service for several years. The company operates throughout the communities of Orange County and the San Gabriel Valley of California. For more information on their delivery service and the products the company provides to patients, visit


Tops Cannabis was established to provide medical marijuana patients in Southern California with the highest-quality medicine and discreet, private, and convenient home delivery options. The Orange County-based company offers a wide range of seasonal medical cannabis products, including powerful strains, concentrates, and edibles. The expert staff also offers personalized health consultations for clients of the delivery service. 


About Tops Cannabis

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Tops Cannabis

16400 Pacific Coast Highway
Huntington Beach, CA 92834
United States
(844) 420-8766