Brand New Free Hotline Available for Catheter Patients

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( — August 28, 2017) Durango, CO — For the very first time, patients with catheters now have access to a brand new totally free 833-MY-CATH-911 (833-692-2849) hotline so they can get all of their important catheter questions answered for them by a Board Certified physician.  This critical service was born out of the desperate need by concerned catheter patients living in acute pain and experiencing severe discomfort and difficulty after having their catheter(s) implanted.

Until this special catheter hotline was put in place, a patient would have to search for their answers online or post their questions in online medical forums and social websites like Facebook. Or they would need to wait for their appointment with their medical doctor in order to get those questions answered accurately, which of course could take days or even weeks.

But now the Surgical Drainage Awareness Foundation is offering this completely free hotline in response to this desperate need to get important questions answered.  The only requirement needed in order to take advantage of this special hotline and speak with a physician is to sign up to receive text messages from the Surgical Drainage Awareness Foundation.

But now the Surgical Drainage Awareness Foundation is offering this completely free hotline in response to this desperate need to get important questions answered. This brand new free catheter hotline follows a previous initiative whereby their was setup to provide a free toolkit for hospitals, medical organizations, and medical facilities to be able to present free lectures on the topic of Surgical Drainage Awareness since September has been declared as Surgical Drainage Awareness month.

The 833-MY-CATH-911 will be staffed by experienced physicians 7-days a week and will be available from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mountain Standard Time (MST). Due to the potentially large volume of expected calls, callers will be limited to about the same amount of time on the phone as a typical doctors office visit.

Dr. Mario Torres-Leon, the founder of the Surgical Drainage Awareness Foundation, had this to say about this important new hotline, “This very special hotline signals a huge breakthrough in the critical need for patients to be able to get their questions easily answered.  Until now, too many patients have had to suffer for long periods of time, while being in extreme pain due to not being able to get easy access to their physician or surgeon who implanted the catheter into the patient.

After treating catheter patients for decades, I’m very glad that my Surgical Drainage Awareness Foundation has been the very first to move forward to empower patients and take the initiative to offer this extremely valuable service.” 

To get your important catheter questions answered, call 833-MY-CATH-911 (833-692-2849) 7-days a week from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. MST.

About Surgical Drainage Awareness is the brainchild of the Surgical Drainage Awareness Foundation. The goal of this website is to help increase and promote public awareness of surgical drainage procedures and the incredible healing benefits they provide. Additionally, we hope to help reduce any stigma associated with surgical drainage by empowering people to get educated on this important medical topic. Minimally invasive drainage procedure’s help millions of patient’s worldwide each year. As the population increases and since the trend is that patients want increasingly less invasive procedures, surgical drainage procedures will continue to increase in popularity.

Surgical Drainage Awareness

PO BOX 957
Durango, CO 81302
United States