The Top 4 Things That Happen in a Data Center

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( — November 9, 2017) — If you work in a large organization or have sort services from one, then you have heard of a data center. So what exactly is a data center? It’s a department in any organization that is tasked with the control and management of all data related issues. It also takes care of an organization’s internet security issues. With advances in technology, data centers no longer need to be in-house. An organization can contract a data center solutions provider and cut on the costs of having it as a department.  To make the whole issue of data centers clearer for you, here are 4 things that happen in a data center.

1. Data capacity is constantly updated

A data center is designed to handle data transmission depending on the needs of the concerned organization. At the data center, software engineers work round the clock to ensure that the servers can handle all the data transmission needs of all the other departments, or clients if it’s an outsourced function. For instance, for large corporations like Facebook and others of that size, the concerned data centers are constantly updated with SONET connections for fast transmission. On the other hand, engineers at data centers for small organizations regularly update them with T-3 connections, which work just fine for their data needs.

2. Power supply is constantly monitored

Power is one of the most important aspects of a data center. If power goes off at a data center, all other operations in the organization that rely on it would collapse. That’s why at any data center, there are technicians who make sure that there is a 24/7 power connection. These technicians ensure that if the main power supply is off, there are enough power generators as well as UPSes in place; to keep the servers on; at all times.

3. Monitoring of the physical security of the data center machines

Imagine if a mentally unstable person were to drive a truck into an Amazon data center. There would be an instant collapse of a major segment of e-commerce all across the world. That’s why one of the things that go on at a data center at any one time is the maintenance of servers’ physical security. This is done by constantly updating the security of all servers and computers handling sensitive data within the data center. This is a 24 hour task, and it is one of the primary tasks that you will come into contact with; if you visit any data center.

4. Monitoring of the cooling systems

Data centers can get very hot, especially when the servers are processing large amounts of data. That’s why there are fans that operate 24/7 in a data center. There are specialized staff who work at data centers round the clock ensuring that the servers never get too hot. Without these fans and the maintenance staff, servers would overheat and blow up, leading to a loss of vital information about the concerned organization. The technical personnel also check up on the servers to ensure that they are not overworked, which is what causes them to overheat.