(Newswire.net — December 21, 2017) — US Vetoed UN’s Intention to Revoke Trump’s Jerusalem Decision
Since Trump decided Jerusalem is the Israeli capital, the United States lost all support from the United Nations.
US president Donald Trump declared Jerusalem the Israeli capital, which infuriated not only Muslim states but many countries across the globe including US’s closest allies UK, France and Germany.
Since the US president adamantly ignored facts that recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel might not be a good idea, the UN tried to revoke this move in order to protect international law.
Realizing that Trump’s latest idea regarding Jerusalem has no supporters except Israel, the US ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley vetoed the voting on revoking Trump’s decision. It was the first time the US vetoed UN voting in six years.
The move aggravated even the strongest US allies France, Germany and UK, who stepped out of the traditional ‘follow the leader’ game and denied their support on the matter.
Francois Delattre, the French ambassador to the UN, says his country has complained about the US decision on Jerusalem.
“This draft resolution confirms the international view of Jerusalem, which has existed for decades,” he said.
Germany does not support the Trump administration’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Wednesday. “The German government does not support this position, because the status of Jerusalem is to be resolved in the framework of a two-state solution,” Reuters quoted Merkel.
UK’s Prime Minister Teresa May said she will speak with Donald Trump about his decision on Jerusalem. The ancient city should ultimately be shared between Israel and future State of Palestine, the Independent reports.
Referring to “the basic reality” US ambassador to UN Nikki Haley tried to explain the drastic move.
“For thousands of years, Jerusalem has been a political, cultural and spiritual homeland of the Jewish people – they do not have another capital city. The United States has the sovereignty to decide where to establish the embassy,” she said.
The reality however is that Israel and Palestine have a great dispute over the territory that PLO claim Israel occupied. That dispute has the strongest display in Jerusalem, the city that both parties claims the right to. Reviewing the maps, it became clear that Israel is expanding on account of Palestinian territory slowly turning Palestine into enclaves.
After reviewing the facts, the UN members commanded Israel to stop spreading on Palestinian territory and to initiate peace talks.
The draft resolution in the Security Council on Monday was supported by all 14 remaining members, including many US allies which aggravated US. The Ambassador Haley stated that it was “an insult that will not be forgotten.”
On 29 November 2012, the UN General Assembly passed a motion changing Palestine’s “entity” status to “non-member observer state” by a vote of 138 to 9, with 41 abstentions.
As of 14 September 2015, 136 (70.5%) of the 193 member states of the United Nations and two non-member states have recognized the State of Palestine. Many of the countries that do not recognize the State of Palestine nevertheless recognize the PLO as the “representative of the Palestinian people”.
Referring to the veto issued by the US, Palestinian Ambassador to the United Nations, Riyad Mansour, said that “the paradox is that while we are waiting for the US peace plan, the administration decides to further obstruct peace and postpone its implementation.”
“The US decision encourages Israel to continue the crimes against the Palestinian people and the occupation of our territory. No rhetoric will hide this complacency by prolonging the occupation,” he added.
Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki announced that Palestinians will seek an emergency meeting of the UN General Assembly within 48 hours after the United States vetoed the Security Council for a draft resolution against the recent US recognition of Jerusalem for the capital city of Israel