Yet Another Fall From Grase

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( — December 21, 2017) Darien, CONNECTICUT — Are we experiencing a fall from grase? No, it is not a misspelling. When I use the term ‘grase’, I am using the acronym for ‘generally recognized as safe and effective’. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has finalized a rule that bans the marketing of over-the-counter (OTC) healthcare antiseptic products containing triclosan. Triclosan has been in many household ingredients we use on a daily basis. The FDA first proposed the rule banning the use of triclosan in 2015. These affected products include hand washes and rubs, surgical hand scrubs and rubs and patient antiseptic skin products. Would you be surprised to learn that Triclosan is also added to certain clothes, cookware, furniture and toys to reduce or prevent bacterial contamination, but these products aren’t regulated by the FDA.

Here is why you should be concerned about triclosan. Research has shown that triclosan changes hormone regulation in animals, and just maybe it does that to humans too. So while protecting us from bad bacteria, it can also harm the immune system. Is this raising a red flag for you yet? When was the last time you read a toothpaste label? Triclosan added to toothpaste and mouthwash has been shown to help prevent gingivitis. What are your thoughts about a large 2008 study, which was designed to assess exposure to triclosan in a representative sample of U.S. children and adults, and that found triclosan in the urine of nearly 75 percent of those tested.

If your health matters to you, please read the label and avoid using any product containing Triclosan. While the studies indicate that Triclosan causes cancer in mice and has not been proven to cause cancer in humans, it is not a stretch to presume it could potentially cause cancer in humans. Don’t wait until that study comes out because it may be too late for the anti-bacterial crowd to appreciate. Have a happy and healthy New Year.

About Core Health Darien

Physical health is a challenge facing just about everyone at some point in their lives. We strive to help those in pain as fast as we possibly can. We treat our patients as we would like to be treated. We have a no wait policy. Your time is valuable and we will respect your time as well as your hard earned money. See you soon Dr.Brian McKay

Core Health Darien

551 Post Road
Darien, CONNECTICUT 06820
United States