Researchers Study an Antibiotic-Free Option for UTI Sufferers

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( — December 29, 2017) Orlando, FL — Today, millions of people from around the world are struggling with the symptoms of urinary tract infections. Pharmaceutical drugs such as antibiotics are a popular treatment for this infection. However, it is important to realize that these medications may also cause side effects.

Researchers have studied an antibiotic-free option for UTI sufferers. Today, nearly 100 million individuals from around the world suffer from UTIs each year. Despite the use of antibiotics, one-fourth of these sufferers still suffer from recurrent infections within six months.

The symptoms caused by UTIs can be extremely troublesome. There are those who suffer from pain or a burning sensation during urination as well as the frequent or sudden urge to urinate. When it is not properly addressed and turns severe, the infection can affect the kidneys and the bloodstream. When this happens, it may become fatal.

Scott J. Hultgren, Professor of Molecular Microbiology at Washington University in St. Louis, states that the research they conduct aims at helping sufferers prevent as well as manage the common problem of recurrent urinary tract infections.

This study also wants to address the crisis of antimicrobial resistance worldwide. Antibiotics are widely used by individuals who suffer from UTIs. However, this type of medication may cause antibiotic resistance and other adverse effects.

Instead of getting relief from UTIs, there are sufferers who end up enduring some other unpleasant health consequences due to the use of these medications. The good news is that there are safer alternatives to antibiotics, such as D-Mannose.

This natural ingredient may be useful for sufferers of UTIs without using antibiotics. Unlike antibiotics, it won’t cause adverse effects. It is believed to work naturally in fighting E. coli bacteria without harming the good, beneficial bacteria.

Purest Vantage’s D-Mannose formula may be an excellent supplement for individuals seeking to combat UTIs naturally. While D-Mannose can be obtained from cranberry juice, using this formula is more potentially beneficial since it carries abundant levels of the sugar’s possible UTI-fighting benefits.

It is worth mentioning that Purest Vantage is believed to be one of the most reliable manufacturers of health-enhancing ingredients. It is dedicated to providing consumers with the most helpful formulas and the best value of their hard-earned money.

Purest Vantage’s D-Mannose formula is popularized by its high potency and purity. It also comes with a complete customer satisfaction guarantee, which makes this formula even more beneficial.

With every capsule of this carefully-crafted formula, consumers are able to experience the potentially therapeutic goodness of D-Mannose.



Purest Vantage is passionate and dedicated to developing high-quality products that assist people in maintaining optimal health, enabling them to enjoy all the benefits a healthy lifestyle offers.


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