The Importance of Natural Testosterone In The Body

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( — December 22, 2017) —  The chances are that you will have heard of the hormone testosterone before and have a fair idea of what it does. Most people will know that it has an important function within the male body as the primary sex hormone. In this respect, it is vital in allowing normal function within men of their sexual and reproductive processes.

You may not realize though that testosterone plays a much bigger role in your overall health, and this is true for both genders. The importance of high enough natural testosterone levels in your body cannot be overstated and ensuring that this is the case will make you feel much healthier. Low testosterone levels on the other hand have been found to have a range of negative effects from your mental health to physical health risks.

In what ways can enough natural testosterone help you?

For both men and women, having adequate levels of natural testosterone can bring many benefits. For all aspects of your life, from going to the gym to having enough energy to produce at work, making sure that your testosterone levels are where they should be will be a great help.

Here are a few specific reasons to look after your testosterone levels.

Increased energy levels

As touched upon above, having sufficient natural testosterone levels in your body will give you lots of energy. This in turn will allow you to not only feel better in yourself but also have the required vitality to go about your daily life. You will no doubt have many things to do each day from dropping the kids off at school to hitting that exercise class and going for a night out with friends. Make sure that you have the energy to lead a full life by looking after your testosterone levels.

Helps fight mental illness

Not only can testosterone help keep your mind sharp and bright, but it is also thought to help battle mental illness. Research has found that there is a link between those with depression and low testosterone levels. This is great news if you do suffer from depression as it provides an avenue to explore in treating it.

In addition, a 2010 study by the University of Hong Kong found that sufficient levels of this crucial hormone could help in fighting Alzheimer’s disease. The study found that ten men who developed Alzheimer’s from the 153 men studied all had low testosterone levels. Findings such as these would appear to suggest that mental illness could potentially be avoided by keeping your testosterone levels up.

It can help your heart, bones, and libido

If you have good levels of natural testosterone in your body, then it can also help avoid problems with your heart and bones. High enough testosterone levels will bring a natural health to your body that will in turn help strengthen and protect your heart. Bone density is also helped greatly as bone resorption is reduced and bone mineralization to make bones stronger is increased.

Of course, you will no doubt already know of the benefits of satisfactory natural testosterone levels for libido and sexual performance in men. As a sex hormone, having the correct levels of it in your body as a man will naturally lead you to feeling more amorous. 

How can you tell if your natural testosterone levels are low?

From reading of the importance of natural testosterone in your body and the many benefits that it can offer, you may wish to find out if your testosterone levels are satisfactory. By far the best way to check if you have normal levels is via a testosterone blood test.

This kind of test is usually done via taking a sample of your blood at the relevant testing center. This sample will be tested to find out the amounts of natural testosterone in your blood, compared against a benchmark standard. Once you have the results back, you will know for sure if your natural testosterone levels are of the expected level.

What can I do if my testosterone levels are low?

If you get your results back and find that your natural testosterone levels are low, then please don’t panic! There are various simple ways to naturally increase them, and you are in no immediate physical danger. One of the most common things to do is look at your diet and lifestyle as this is very often where the problem lies. If you can change this as required, then you will soon find your testosterone levels rising again to the level they should be.

If this doesn’t work, then it might mean that you have to take prescribed medication to help replace the hormone levels in your body. This is simple to follow and will certainly help get your testosterone levels to where they need to be.