There’s a Right and Wrong Way to Breathe

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( — December 27, 2017) Cheyenne, Wyoming — Most have heard the proverb, “the nose is for breathing, the mouth is eating.” This saying exists for a very good reason, because it’s an obvious truth that needs to be reiterated constantly. Not much thought is given to breathing outside of running, swimming and other strenuous activities. But truth be told, breathing ought to be at the forefront when considering one’s health.

“Your breathing rates are intertwined with your nervous system thus they also interconnect with emotional states such as fear and caution vs. calm and trust,” explains Michael Sorgiovanni, life coach and consultant. “This is internally and externally processed by the ‘fight or flight response– fast breathing vs. the rest and digest response – slow breathing’.”

Let’s start by discussing the wrong way to breathe. This involves short and labored breaths that causes intension throughout the body plus intensifies stress which signals that there is some imbalance in the nervous system. Breathing in a wrong way can also cause airways to constrict so more pressure has to be generated hence over-breathing typically occurs as a counterbalance. Similarly, poor breathing affects blood vessels to tighten to the point of overworking the heart as it struggles to pump blood about. And obviously improper breathing affects the body’s ability to distribute oxygen to cells which then start operating in survival mode and not on actual growth. 

“So much more than just a physiological exchange of gases, breathing is the most important healing tool that we have,” asserts “If you are not in touch with your breathing, you are missing a key, and easily accessible, component for a healthy life.”

Being conscious of how one breathes is major as you practice breathing properly through the nose. Keeping the mouth shut and tongue resting relaxed sets the stage for proper nose breathing to occur. Extending on the exhale allows for maximum relaxation to be achieved and makes inhaling more effective as well.

“An upright position gives a deeper breathing where the diaphragm gets more space to work,” explains Selfication. “Your thoughts and feelings are affected positively, and at the same time, it gets easier to breathe through the nose. Be aware of your body and how tense or relaxed it is in different situations. A comfortable body makes it easier to keep a rhythmical and relaxed breathing.”

Once a full understanding of how not to breathe and how to actually breathe is ascertained then it will all become a breeze. For some people, a bit of assistance may be needed. Expanding the nasal cavity with an aid such as the HealthyWiser™ Breathe-IN™ strips is a safe and clever way to capitalize on improved health by way of simply breathing right.

About HealthyWiser LLC

HealthyWiser™ is a recognized and flourishing personal health and premium dietary supplement brand offering products that are diligently tested to meet industry standards. Passionate about good health and innovation the HealthyWiser™ brand is committed to delivering quality to customers. Learn more about Breathe-IN™ Nasal Strips on Amazon.

HealthyWiser LLC

109 E 17TH ST STE 420
Cheyenne, Wyoming 82001
United States