The Top Three SEO Myths You Probably Believe

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( — February 15, 2018) —  SEO or rather search engine optimization is by far one of the terms that elicits a lot of attention, especially in the digital marketing world. A considerable portion of this popularity stems from its undeniable positive impacts on businesses of all sizes. Despite all the benefits associated with search engine optimization, the technique is bombarded with all sorts of myths.

Most of the popular myths about SEO can impede you from achieving the desired website rankings, search traffic or ultimately derail the success of your marketing endeavors. In fact, some are considered as the gospel truth, causing businesses, web developers, and digital marketers among other parties to believe them. Here are some three myths that you probably still believe about SEO that need to be debunked.

1. Optimizing your Website for Google Covers you for other Search Engines

You probably believe that by simply optimizing your company’s website for Google, you do not need to do the same for other search engines like Bing, Baidu, Ask, and Yahoo! among others. Well, if you hold this belief, then you are a victim of this myth just like many other people. Although Google search takes up a considerable share of the search market, other search engines like Bing are picking up the pace. Bing serves as one of the search engines whose operations slightly differ from those of Google.

Keeping yourself updated is vital nowadays. If you are not sure, you’d better get a consultation from SEO experts. For example, Digitawise LA Agency offers free consultation and strategy creation, because knowing what each search engine needs will help you optimize your website appropriately for all sites. For instance, Google values backlinks more than Bing whereas Bing uses social signals, keyword domains, page authority, user engagement and click-through metrics to compile its rankings. For this reason, try to optimize your site for at least three main search engines as opposed to just one to be on the safe side.

2. You Must React Quickly to Algorithm Updates 

The myth, in this case, is that you must make necessary updates to your website whenever Google changes its search ranking algorithm. Although Google regularly changes its algorithm, at least 500 times per year, most of the changes are small. What this entails is that you only need to concern yourself with the major updates.

When Google effects major algorithm alterations, the best reaction for you would be to wait and observe what happens to your website.  Your site may survive all the negative impacts that other websites may face. Nevertheless, make sure that you remain abreast of what the updates entail by getting your information from reliable sources only. Doing so will help you come up with an adjustment strategy that will help you adapt to the changes appropriately.

3. Content Alone can Help you Rank well in Search Engine Results

Most digital marketers go wrong by thinking that creating useful, informative and high-quality content will get their websites to rank high in search results without considerable SEO assistance. Even though delivering well-researched and timely content can get your business far, it cannot help you achieve the desired website ranking alone.

If you want your site to rank well, you need to cease thinking of content as the recipe for success but rather as one of the key ingredients. As such, avoid putting all your attention on content and consider incorporating other essential things like backlinks and user experience.

The above myths are just a tip of the iceberg. With increasing emphasis on the importance of adopting SEO practices, misinformation and confusion have become widespread. Knowing how to debunk some of these myths will mark a significant step towards success in the digital landscape.