The Top 3 Best Surfboards for Beginners

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( — February 15, 2018) —  Surfing is a sport that is fascinating to learn, complex to understand and when you get the hang of it, it can change your attitude towards life. If you are a surfer then you will find yourself around the world exploring for new waves to surf on. Once you get hooked there is no letting go, it becomes your way of life. Surfing can also be a dangerous sport hence your safety should always come first. If you are a beginner, one way to ensure that you are safe out in the ocean with the killer waves is to be with the proper safety equipment. Hence choosing a surfboard for your first time should be an exercise done with high consideration. If you are looking for safety, speed and balance then you would probably need the following:

·         Foam Board

Foam boards are the number one choice for a beginner. They are made of foam material hence if you get wiped out by a wave and you take a hit on the head, foam boards are not as hard as epoxy and fiberglass and are very safe. The foam boards range from seven to nine feet. This big volume helps beginners with stability during paddling and when catching a wave. Most of them are fitted with fins that help in thrusting even in white waters. The 7ft models are easy to carry and transport especially for children and lightweight adults.

·         Longboards

The longboards is another good option for beginners. They are made of soft tops and sometimes textured to avoid sliding off the board during surfing. They range from eight to nine feet meaning they have a good length and volume for a beginner to maneuver easily and handle high waves. The long boards are best suited for the green waters as they are easy to paddle out at high tides. They are cheaper as compared to other boards. The only disadvantage is that they are hard to transport and carry around.

·         Mini-mal surfboards

Mini-mal surfboards rank as a good choice for beginners looking for speed and fitness in the sport. They range from seven to eight feet making them very buoyant in water. Their small size makes it easy to carry and transport. They are easy to paddle out and improve one’s paddle fitness. They are very fast on smaller waves and since they are made of an epoxy material they are durable.

Surfing like any other sport requires a lot of practice and background theory knowledge on the sport. We’d recommend taking a look at WetSquid to get helpful tips and guides on how to surf.  If you can master the basics, you will be a pro in no time. It can also be dangerous since the waves are naturally occurring therefore not controllable. It is therefore advisable to take time to study the waves.  It is also safe to start off with light small waves and be able to find your way back to the shore. The numerous falls can be discouraging to any beginner but quitting leaves you missing out on a lot.  It is also advisable to have a personal professional trainer to guide you as you take on this wonderful lifetime experience.