Chaos on Streets of Paris after Police Clashes with Protesters

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(— November 25, 2018) — New protests began in Paris as a result of the increase in fuel prices. Protesters in yellow veils call it “another act” of the demonstrations held a week ago. The French authorities have deployed 3,000 police officers to prevent possible disorder but they failed.

The Paris police used tear gas against demonstrators in the Élysée Fields, who approached the area closed for protests at Concord Square, the capital’s center.

During protests last Saturday, when, according to estimates, 282,000 people blocked major roads and strategic locations across France, the first demonstrators gathered in the Mars Fields, the French media reported.

Other “yellow waistcoats”, as the French media call protesters, are trying to get closer to the Élysée Fields, despite the massive presence of forces that prevent them from accessing the Presidential Palace, while a group gathers near the Concord square.

“Figaro” reports that strong security forces have been deployed for about six hours in the area around the Élysée field, Concord square, the National Assembly and the residence of the prime minister.

Additionally, mobile forces and helicopters will be ready to intervene in case of escalation of violence in Paris and attempts to block the periphery of the city, said the Paris Police Chief.

Expected participation in today’s protests announced via social networks is 36,000 people, but authorities fear it could be more.

In other French cities, such as Lyon, Lille, Toulouse and Limoges, campaigns for gathering and blocking toll ramps on roads or in trade zones have been announced.

French media outlets report that seven police officers were injured in the protest in the north of France.

Protests stemming from dissatisfaction expressed in October on social networks for increasing fuel prices continue to shake France, and a week ago in protest actions hundreds of people were injured, while two people were killed.

It was announced that the French President will, in response, set out goals in the field of ecological transition on Tuesday and will disclose measures in this regard.