The Continued Importance of Written Communication for Businesses

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( — November 25, 2018) — The world of business runs on the written word and this style of communication continues to be vital to the success of businesses of any size. Being able to clearly express the ideas, goals and objectives of the business could make a crucial difference when it comes to things such as negotiations, employee communications and more.

What Makes Business Writing Effective

Regardless of how a person is communicating — via email, over video, on the phone, in person or on social media — making sure that the end message is understood is vital in advancing the business and protecting its values. At no other point in history has the written word been relied upon to fill so many voids. Effective writing for a business is just as important in the text messages and email blasts it sends out as it is for the press releases and business reports it releases.

Just like other types of writing, business writing is most effective when the right punctuation, word choice, style and syntax are chosen. The objective of the writing must also be clearly stated so the reader doesn’t need to guess about it. Supporting this objective based on examples, evidence, quotes or other material makes it stronger and increases understanding.

Tackling Business Writing When It Doesn’t Come Naturally

Not everyone is a great writer. For example, many people excel at verbal communication and can strike deals eloquently and effectively. Other people use nonverbal language in confident ways that advance the company’s objectives. In the end, though, writing up the terms of the deal in such a way that protects the interests of the parties involved is necessary.

Even if a person doesn’t think that writing is their strong suit, it can be improved on. Just like any other skill, the more it’s practiced, the better an individual becomes at it. Getting into the habit of journaling every day clears out the cobwebs from the brain and makes ideas flow more freely. Today’s word processing software contains elements such as spelling and punctuation checker to help make writing more natural. After writing, it’s important to go back and edit the selection for clarity, meaning and flow. Many busy business owners and managers outsource their writing as they do for other tasks.