Study Reveals Cleaning Products Affect Lung Health Only in Women

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( — June 14, 2019) Orlando, FL — Today, products like the ones used in cleaning make the lives of many women easier. However, it appears that these products can have detrimental effects on health.

According to a new European research, women who use cleaning products and sprays on a regular basis are more susceptible to suffering from a decline in lung function.

It is compared to men or women who do not clean using these products. This research also involves use of these products either at home or work.

This study was performed by the scientists at the University of Bergen in Norway. The research team analyzed data from 6,235 participants who were monitored for over 20 years.

According to Cecile Svanes, senior study author, the short-term effects of cleaning chemicals on asthma are becoming increasingly well documented, we lack knowledge of the long-term impact.

She added that they feared these chemicals might speed up the rate of lung function decline that normally happens with age. This is after the steady use that cause a minor damage to the airways, every day and year after year.

The investigating team has found that compared to women who did not clean, there was a faster decline in forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) in women who cleaned at home. This pertains to the amount of air one can forcibly exhale in one second.

Further, the decline was also faster by 3.9 ml/year in women who worked as cleaners. It is worth mentioning that occupational asthma is one that is caused or worsened by breathing in gases, fumes, dust, or other substances at work.

The results were true despite of the fact that certain factors have already been considered. These are factors affecting lung health like body mass index, smoking history, and education.

In male participants, the results were not the same. The research team instead found that males who cleaned up did not suffer from any greater decline in FEV1 or FVC than men who did not clean.

The scientists suggest that a decline in lung function could be due to the chemicals in cleaning products that irritate the mucous membranes, which line the lungs.

It is wise to reduce exposure to these chemicals. Taking better care of health is imperative for longevity, and it can be made by simply following healthy diet and lifestyle.

It may also be beneficial to resort to natural remedies to strengthen lung health, and one is resveratrol. This powerful antioxidant is popularized widely by the powerful healing benefits it offers.

Purest Vantage Resveratrol could be useful in protecting and improving lung health. This amazing formula is highly potent and is protected by a complete money back guarantee (


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