Stock Profitability Statistics Stock Market Trading Platform Feature Announced

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( — July 31, 2019) — Stock trading solutions company Stock Value introduced its stock profitability statistics and corporate information feature on its proprietary stock investment platform, Stock Value Screener. Designed to give users current, reliable, and actionable data, the feature showcases these statistics through a unified, highly readable dashboard.

Stock trading solutions company Stock Value announced a new feature on its flagship stock investment platform, Stock Value Screener. Users can now access key company information and stock profitability statistics to make better investment decisions.

More information about Stock Value is available at

Stock profitability is tied to several key indicators of value and performance such as the price to earnings ratio, average trading volume, return on equity, return on assets, and margin data. Investment decisions are also made based on qualitative and quantitative factors such as industry sector outlook, supply & demand, company debt, management stability, operating costs, and overall company health.

Stock Value Screener now features access to real-time and historical data about a company’s performance alongside insider stock ownership data. Unlimited searches and intuitive data representation are backed by reliable sell, hold, and purchase recommendations based on fundamental and technical aspects of a particular stock.

The stock value and performance statistics are presented through a simple, userfriendly dashboard with a specific focus on readability and clarity. Stock Value Screener offers trading triggers and charts based on proven methodologies developed by Stock Value founder David Hall.

New stats on Stock Value Screener reveal information about a company’s core product or service portfolio, current and intrinsic stock prices, stock availability, and trade quality. The platform is backed by a library of walkthrough tutorials.

According to a spokesperson for Stock Value, “We believe that current, authentic, and reliable stock information is essential to making sound investment decisions and should be affordable to everyone. We are pleased to announce that Stock Value users can now access stock indicators that improve their purchase and sale decisions.”

Stock Value is a full-service stock investment platform provider focused on improving investor decisions through quality data.

More information is available at the above link.