Emerging Research Now Reveals Cleaning Sprays Cause Long-Term Lung Damage

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(Newswire.net — October 2, 2019) Orlando, FL — The lungs are extremely important for health, and this is why many health experts strongly recommend following healthy diet and lifestyle. Unfortunately, it appears that taking care of the lungs doesn’t just rely on food and exercise.

A European research has found that women working as cleaners or those who regularly clean at home using cleaning sprays and some other products, are more likely to have a greater decline in lung health over time.

The University of Bergen in Norway scientists have revealed that there is a faster decline in lung health, and it was comparable to smoking 20 cigarettes every day for more than 10 to 20 years.

It is worth mentioning that most home heating and cooling systems work simply by recirculating the air already inside the house. This includes dirt, dust, and pollen.

It is important to open windows and doors when the weather is nice and there are low levels of pollen. This is particularly crucial if there are fumes from cooking, painting, woodworking, and kerosene heaters.

The University of Bergen scientists analyzed data from 6,235 subjects in the European Community Respiratory Health Survey.

It is worth mentioning that 53 percent of the participants were women. Investigators monitored their condition for over 20 years.

The findings showed that the amount of air women forcibly exhaled in one second dropped faster in those who cleaned up at home. The decline was found to be even faster in those who worked as cleaners.

According to scientists, forced exhalation or forced expiratory volume (FEV1) is a measure of lung health. This study has shown that asthma was more common in women who cleaned at home and worse in those who cleaned at work.

It is further worth mentioning men who cleaned at home or at work did not experience the decline. They suggested that such a decline may be because of the irritation that a majority of cleaning chemicals produce on the mucous membranes that line the airways.

Experts warn against this irritation as it can cause long-term changes. It is wise to strengthen lung health and reduce or avoid exposure to these chemicals.

Eating healthy foods like fruits and vegetables is extremely helpful. There are also natural remedies believed to be useful in protecting and improving lung health, and one is curcumin.

This phytochemical can be found in turmeric, and it has been found to possess many therapeutic properties. It hasantibacterial, anticarcinogenic, antiproliferative, antiviral, renoprotective, anticoagulant, anti-amyloidogenic, insulin-sensitizing, androgenic, antifibrotic, genoprotective, and metal-chelating properties.

It possesses antiseptic, antioxidant, anti-cytotoxic, antibiotic, antimicrobial, anti-purulent, immunomodulating, anticatabolic,antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and neurorestorative agents.

To experience its benefits, it is wise to consider the use of Divine Bounty Curcumin formula. It is highly potent and pure, and is protected with a money back guarantee offer (http://amazon.com/Turmeric-Curcumin-BioPerine-Pepper-Extract/dp/B00VSVKJ8I).

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