Kelowna Alternative Healthcare for Pets Holistic Treatment Site Launched

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( — October 31, 2019) — Kelowna, BC — Pawsitive Veterinary Care in Kelowna has launched a new site showcasing the holistic healthcare services it can offer to local pet owners. They combine natural and alternative treatments to provide the best healthcare.

Kelowna holistic vet care specialist, Pawsitive Veterinary Care, has launched a new site showcasing the services it can offer for local pet owners. The pet care center provides a different approach to pet healthcare, with a mix of holistic therapies blended with conventional medicines when necessary.

For more information please visit the website here:

The new site features Pawsitive Veterinary Care who take a natural and holistic approach to pet care, which sets it apart from other vets in the local Kelowna area.

Using alternative medicine, it allows pet owners to take a more natural approach to their animal care. Holistic care refers to a whole-body approach to healthcare, and Pawsitive Veterinary Care looks at the entire animal when treating them.

This includes their diet, exercises, behavior, emotions, and the environment that they live in. While traditional medicine treats the symptoms of the disease, a more holistic approach is focused around getting to the root cause of any issues.

The new site explains that Pawsitive Veterinary Care strives to work towards a healthier planet. They work towards maintaining, regaining, and sustaining long-term optimal health for all the animals they work with.

Established in 2000 by Dr Moira Drosdovech, the clinic adopts the best of both traditional and natural medicine to provide the highest levels of care for pets.

The team emphasizes that holistic medicine is growing in popularity as it has shown repeatedly that it can help to improve pets’ quality of life. It combines complimentary and alternative therapies with a more traditional approach, encompassing the whole pet and the whole picture.

Pawsitive Veterinary Care states: “Our intention is to get to the root of the problem, taking into consideration many factors, as well as supporting your animal’s health by providing the most effective and least invasive treatment plan possible.”

Those wishing to find out more can visit their website on the link provided above.