What Can You Do With a Construction Management Degree

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(Newswire.net — February 10, 2020) — Construction management is a set of measures aimed at monitoring the construction of buildings. Its main goal is to establish relationships between individual performers for commissioning the facility under construction. Everybody has some ambitions in mind. You might be reading this because you intend to pursue a degree in construction online management. Before making a decision it is highly recommended for you to study in detail about the construction field. After having ample information about the field, you would be confident enough to make your career decision. Following are the authorities and tasks you would have to do after getting a job in construction management:

Construction management stages

Despite the apparent simplicity, construction management is a very time-consuming and complex process, which consists of several stages: 

  • Development of a cost management system; 
  • Preparation of project documentation; 
  • Work with permits, specifications; 
  • Selection of contractors and the search for independent experts. 

Each of these stages has its pitfalls, without knowledge of which it is extremely difficult to make the right choice. That is why construction management is one of the most critical jobs. 


There are several approaches to project management in construction, namely: 

  • Work through a general contractor; 
  • With the help of a construction manager; 
  • Using the services of a management company. 

All existing methods successfully ensure the organization, planning, and construction management, reducing construction time, reducing their cost, reducing the volume of construction in progress, and eliminating unprofitability. 

Construction management functions

Coordination among the team of professionals, big companies successfully organize the management of construction projects at various stages. The steps start from the design of structures to the coordination of finishing work. 

Construction Cost Management 

Enrolling in a construction management degree makes you aware of all the minute processes and relevant departments. Moreover, this degree teaches you the functions of the costing and procurement department. Cost management allows you to distribute existing finances correctly and redirect funds, if necessary. It involves several stages: planning, accounting, coordination, regulation, analysis, and final control. 

Contractor Selection 

After completion of the degree, you will have ample authority to select an appropriate contractor. Selecting the right contractor is a procedure on which all subsequent work depends along with success. 

Coordination of design documentation 

Engineering design and related documentation of power supply, heat supply, sewerage, water supply, ventilation, and air conditioning are subjected to coordination with the higher management. 

Building permit 

You will also learn about the legalities involved in the construction and documented permits. The construction companies rely on their construction managers to handle the Architecture and Urban Planning. 

The main technical document for issuing a permit is the design of the future building. The company performs it depending on the wishes of the client. 

Technical Supervision 

Technical supervision is part of the management which keeps control over the objects entrusted and checks: 

  • Work on the requirements of government rules and regulations; 
  • Delivery time and implementation of work; 
  • The correctness of documentation, etc. 

After carrying out the work, the specialists provide the customer with reporting materials: work performance schedules, expense tables, etc. 

Coordination of new construction 

When the company instructs you to manage the construction of a new building, as a manager, you have to provide: 

  • Collection of initial data; 
  • Receipt of all required documents; 
  • Preparation of permits. 

All this information allows you and your team to coordinate all the necessary aspects and start building quickly.

Obtaining technical conditions 

Construction Company assumes that the construction manager is responsible for obtaining technical specifications. The information of specifications includes the following communications: 

  • Connection to public water supply and sewerage networks; 
  • Heat supply; 
  • Power supply; 
  • Gas supply; 
  • Telephone installation; 
  • Radio; 
  • TV. 

To obtain information about technical conditions, the permission of the Committee on Energy and Engineering is required. 

Redevelopment Permission 

Project management of construction includes the issuance of an official permit for redevelopment. The company is ready at the request of the client to develop an architectural project, as well as visit all instances issuing the documents required to start work. 


Capital construction management includes obtaining approval for capital construction and reconstruction in the state construction supervision committee. The complexity of the work depends on the condition and area of ​​the building, as well as on the source documentation. 

Facade repair permit 

Facade repair – changing the architectural appearance of the building. Carrying out such work is possible with company construction managers. They would easily collect the necessary documents for the implementation of the project and will receive a work permit. 

The construction manager can use construction project management methods to take the project toward completion. These methods include: 

General contract agreement 

Considering the methods of project management, you need to highlight the agreement for the general contract – a contract with an accurate price. Under him, the general contractor selects subcontractors within the budget without the consent of the company. This means that the company cannot supervise compliance with subcontracts and the stages of the project. 

The construction process begins only after all project documentation has been agreed. 

Advantages of construction management degree

In general, with the construction management degree, you will be competitive enough to enjoy the following advantages. According to the traditional scheme, there are several advantages: 

The certainty of value. After the contract expires, the customer receives the desired result of design work for the agreed price; 

Clear delineation of responsibility. The contractor is responsible for the poor performance of work and failure to meet deadlines; 

Lack of need to monitor in detail the work of all performers. It is necessary to timely provide the contractor with the necessary resources and make payments. 


On the other hand, construction management also has a few disadvantages: 

The need to make an advance. The contractor usually asks for an advance payment, which sometimes reaches up to 20% of the total contract amount; 

The customer’s lack of ability to track the appointment of subcontractors. This often leads to poor quality and timing problems; 

The need for a full study of documents. Prior to the start of development, it is required to develop and coordinate a complete set of documents for calculating the cost of design work. 

Project Management with General Contractor 

Project management in construction with the general contractor allows the investor to find a consultant or construction manager for project management. Although the construction manager works on a contract basis, he is usually familiar with effective methods and technologies for managing the construction project. 


The participation of a construction manager in the project contributes to the fact that the design task is prepared in a high-quality manner. This means that time for alterations is reduced and there are no errors in the preparation of project documentation. 

The general contractor selects staff, and assists in coordinating the most important decisions with the investor. Also, the task of the construction manager is to convey relevant information to all team members in the construction. To consult the construction company is often more beneficial for customers, but it requires more money to invest in the project completion.