How to Prevent Car Accidents

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( — March 2, 2020) — 

Car accidents are a nuisance at best, and life-changing traumas at worst. While nobody wants to end up as part of one, they happen daily across the world. 

Statistics show that there are 1.3 million deaths by car accidents on average every year, with an extra 20-50 million injuries and disabilities.


The professionals from a law company dealing with road accidents say that what makes these statistics even worse is that many could’ve been prevented. If you want to read more, visit this page to look into the aftermath of car accidents from a legal standpoint. 


Today, we’ll discuss some methods you can apply to your driving to add to road safety to benefit yourself and other drivers. Below, we’ll go through seven steps you can take to prevent car accidents, or at least lessen your chances of ending up in one.

Always Wear a Seat Belt

Many people find wearing seat belts annoying, especially for short-distance driving. Still, the law to use them exists for a reason. 

Wearing a seat belt is vital, as it reduces the chances of accidents on the road – both for drivers and passengers. It’s no wonder that states made it mandatory by law.

Slowly Enter Traffic

When you’re about to enter a road, first stop, look around at least twice in each direction, and listen. Also, be cautious about blind spots, especially those in rearview mirrors and behind road signs. 

Double your attention when entering intersections – they’re the most dangerous part. Vehicles can appear out of nowhere in a matter of seconds.

Watch for Redlight Runners

Before you enter an intersection on a green light, count to three, and look both ways. Be sure nobody is trying to speed through the yellow light.


If you find yourself behind truck drivers, be extra careful. They have a large blind spot on the right side, so they might hit you without noticing. A good rule of thumb is – if you can’t see their side mirrors, they can’t see you.

Keep Your Hand on the Steering Wheel

This rule is crucial at all times. It will increase your reaction time and help you reduce distractions. Remember, anything can happen on the road without you expecting it, so be prepared to react as soon as possible.

Avoid Blind Spots

If you adjust your rearview and side mirrors appropriately, you’ll get a seamless panorama of the back and sides of your car. Still, you can’t rely only on these views. 

Be sure that you also turn and look directly into lanes next to you. That way, you safeguard against not noticing something that isn’t visible in your mirrors.


While driving, keep the blind spots of other drivers in mind, too. Try to spend as little time as possible in them, or, even better, avoid them altogether. 

Know and Maintain Your Car

Every car has limits, and you must be aware of those in your vehicle before you hit the road. For example, your vehicle may lean a lot when turning a corner. Be familiar with these quirks so that you can react quickly and without an issue if something unexpected happens.


Also, while it’s okay to accept and get used to small issues with your car, keep it well-maintained as much as you can. 

Follow the maintenance schedule recommended by the manufacturer. That way, you’re ensuring that the car will steer, accelerate, and stop on your command. Change your tires in good time and follow all regulations.

Minimize Distractions

Finally, you need to do your best to stay focused as long as you’re on the road. Only that way, you’ll be sure that you’ll react on time and when necessary. Some useful strategies for staying focused include:

  • Put your cellphone away while you drive

  • Check your car regularly

  • Make sure the interior is tidy and neat

  • Avoid driving during the night

  • If it’s dark or rainy, keep the lights on

  • Never drive after drinking

  • Avoid foods that make you drowsy before driving

  • Don’t talk too much while driving

  • Avoid loud music

While these rules might make your drives, especially long ones, tedious, they’ll also make them safer said Bogdan Martinovich.

The Bottom Line

Car crashes result in injury, property damage, death, or in the best-case scenario, a little psychological trauma for the participants. They happen most often because of inattentive, careless drivers, but at times, environmental conditions play a part, too.


You want to be a part of the solution, not the problem. By following the advice we’ve given above, you won’t become 100% safe from such accidents, but you’ll reduce the chances of suffering or causing one.