George Galloway: Hillary Could Use Biden’s ‘Cognitive Decline’ to Reach the US Throne

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( — March 16, 2020) — If Joe Biden wins the US presidential elections, that would mean the Clinton’s will once again rise to power in the US, wrote former Britain’s MP George Galloway for Russia Today.

He elaborates on the possible scenario for Hillary to grasp the ultimate power as Biden’s Vice President. Galloway questioned if Biden is fit to fulfill the presidency because of his “Cognitive Decline” and speculated that this is exactly what Hillary is counting on.

According to Galloway, if Joe Biden wins the chair in the Oval Office, the VP would actually run the country given Biden’s “senility.”

“The Democrats are about to field a candidate from a rigged contest, who can’t say his own name or that of his closest people reliably, who forgets where he is and what he’s running for, confuses his wife with his sister, and who regularly asks the voters out for a fight, calling them liars, a POS, and full of s***” Galloway wrote.

Galloway wrote that Bernie Sanders and Tulsi Gabbard have been “systematically rigged out” of the “Democratic” Party’s contest. He also wrote that the party asked the millions of voters that Sanders gathered to give their support to Biden. Galloway wrote that Hillary and her ambition to rise to power no matter what is behind this move.

“Believe it or not, there is growing speculation that just when you thought it was safe to get back in the water, like the shark in ‘Jaws,’ Hillary Clinton is back,” Galloway wrote, adding that she never reconciled to her defeat by Trump in 2016.

‘Lady Macbeth’ as Galloway called Clinton, would “rise from being the power behind the throne, to sit on the throne herself,” as a VP after the Democratic Convention, with or without Biden’s agreement might remove him from office.

Donald Trump claimed Biden was exhibiting signs of Alzheimer’s or dementia and lacks the stamina to be president in 2020. Democrats, however, claim the 77-year-old Biden is in excellent health.

Biden “does not use any tobacco products, does not drink alcohol at all, and he works out at least five days per week”, the former vice-president’s doctor, Kevin C O’Connor, said Tuesday, adding Biden is “fit to successfully execute the duties of the presidency.”

Biden’s memory slips are not the sign of dementia but merely gaffs, supporters say. However, the health reports say that one in five senior Americans have dementia and Biden is 77. If Biden defeats Trump at the 2020 presidential election, he would be the oldest POTUS ever elected.

In 1984, the chair of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee said then-President Ronald Reagan was “showing his age” after his first debate with Walter Mondale, during which he appeared “confused.” At the time his illness started to show, Regan was 73-years-old.