Pancreatic cancer symptoms: what are the facts?

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( — March 23, 2020) —

No one wants to hear the word cancer. But today I want to go over some important points about a specific type of cancer that I got to personally know quite well. I’m talking about pancreatic cancer, and if you want to be proactive in your knowledge of this disease then you should get to know the pancreatic cancer symptoms, and what to do if you see any of these symptoms. There are some early warning signs to heed, so hopefully you don’t have to hear the words pancreatic cancer, like I did. Everyone should take a look at some of the facts that i’ve compiled in the following article titled Pancreatic cancer symptoms: what are the facts?

When symptoms of a pancreatic tumor first appear, they most commonly include jaundice, or a yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes, which is caused by an excess of bilirubin—a dark, yellow-brown substance made by the liver. Early pancreatic cancers often do not cause any signs or symptoms. By the time they do cause symptoms, they have often grown very large or already spread outside the pancreas. It is vitally important to talk to your doctor about getting every possible test for this cancer as early in life as possible. 

Pancreatic cancer begins in the tissues of your pancreas, an organ in your abdomen that lies behind the lower part of your stomach. Your pancreas releases enzymes that aid digestion and produces hormones that help manage your blood sugar. Several types of growths can occur in the pancreas, including cancerous and noncancerous tumors. The most common type of cancer that forms in the pancreas begins in the cells that line the ducts that carry digestive enzymes out of the pancreas.

So, what are some symptoms of pancreatic cancer? One thing to look for is if your Back or stomach have any pain. Pain in the abdomen or mid-back may be caused by a tumor. Depending on its location, the tumor may be pushing against nerves or organs near the pancreas or blocking the digestive tract. 

Another thing to watch for is feeling like you’re bloated. Pancreatic cancer can cause digestive problems, which may cause gas and bloating. Pancreatic cancer can also cause ascites, the build-up of extra fluid in the abdomen. This causes the belly to swell and stretch out.

Also be on the watch for pancreatic cancer if you’re having trouble digesting food. Loss of appetite, indigestion and nausea are common in people with pancreatic cancer. These symptoms often happen when the disease affects a person’s ability to digest food and absorb nutrients. They may also occur when a tumor blocks or slows the regular digestive processes. 

And, be very careful to look for sudden weight loss. Weight loss can be caused by incomplete digestion due to the cancer or by the cancer itself. Cancer-induced weight loss is a problem that affects the way the body uses calories and protein. It can cause the body to burn more calories than usual, break down muscle and decrease appetite.

But, probably the most important thing to look for when it comes to pancreatic cancer is Jaundice. Jaundice is when your skin and eyes look yellow. The yellowing of the skin and eyes is caused by the buildup of bilirubin, a component of bile. This buildup can happen if the tumor blocks the bile flowing from the gallbladder into the small intestine. People with jaundice may also have itchy skin, dark urine and light or clay-colored stools.

Understanding when symptoms are a sign of something serious and either diagnosing the disease or confirming a previous diagnosis require expertise from specialists trained and experienced in treating pancreatic cancer. But, getting a check-up first is obviously the most important thing to remember. You can’t get expert advice unless the experts know you are sick. So, please, book an appointment today, your family will thank you for it.