How to Keep up With News During COVID-19

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( — April 16, 2020) — The coronavirus outbreak is rapidly changing the world, and there’s no doubt that it’s a troubling time for all. It is vital that everyone stays safe and takes steps to protect themselves, their loved ones, and public health as a whole during this time, which means that it is important to stay abreast of the latest news, government announcements, and advice from public health experts. It’s a fast-changing situation, so keeping up with daily events and developments is critical. The good news is that there are lots of ways to stay informed and stay safe. 

Government & Public Health Websites

One of the best sources for information on COVID-19 is government and public health websites. Unfortunately, in a post-truth society, there is a lot of misinformation out there, which can be incredibly dangerous in a situation like this. This is why you should always get your news from trusted sources. There is no better resource for trusted information than government or public health websites, which can keep you informed on the latest developments and how to stay safe and do your part.

Reputable News Websites

There’s no question that most people now get their news by going online. This is a good option because it is quick, easy, and you can access the news on your phone (provided that you have an internet connection). As mentioned above, with a lot of “fake news” out there, which can be sensationalized, factually incorrect, or biased, you need to be aware of the credentials of the news websites that you visit. Always make sure that the news site – such as Breaking News Today, which offers up-to-date, accurate information that you can trust – is reputable.

Television & Radio

Television and radio are also good sources for news throughout the outbreak. They can provide you with breaking news, but you might also benefit from expert opinions, live footage, and advice all coming from a trusted source (although, of course, there will be channels that you should be wary of). 

Online Communities

Online communities can be another good source of news, but you need to fact check anything that you read. Sites like Reddit can be useful for getting the latest international, national, and local news. It’s also a place where you can easily communicate and engage with users across the world, which can be helpful for building a sense of solidarity and allow you to read and share personal stories. Online communities help you see fantastic examples of support, generosity, and the resilience of the human spirit, which is important in a time where people are struggling, and the news is often depressing.

The COVID-19 pandemic is changing the world in many ways at the moment, and it is essential that people stay current with the latest news so that they can stay safe, protect public health, and follow important developments in such a fast-changing situation. There is also a lot of dangerous misinformation out there, which is why you need to get your news from trusted sources.