7 Branding Tips During the Pandemic

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(Newswire.net — May 6, 2020) —

The coronavirus pandemic may be causing many businesses across the globe into a downward spiral, but there are things you can do to save your business right now. Building a strong brand to connect to your customers is essential to keep your business running long after the pandemic is over. 


Be Responsive


During the pandemic, everyone is stressed and distressed, so the best thing you can do from a brand perspective is to stay calm and responsive. Revisit your customer service strategy. Make sure you’re communicating with your customers via your website, email and social media. Take an integrated approach to your coronavirus communications. For example, let your customers know that you may be delayed. Try to get back with answers within 24 hours. Put an FAQ on your website. Show them every day that you are showing up to deliver the same customer service, and they’ll continue to know they can count on you.


Communicate Your Commitment


There are many choices a customer can make during the pandemic, so you’ll need to continue positioning your brand as a company that is taking the coronavirus seriously. Communicate what you are doing to protect customers, sanitize your workplaces and adhere to strict sanitation standards. This is the time to really reinforce that message via all of your platforms.


Go Local


Don’t forget about the importance of local marketing, especially if you are a small business. Your company likely is built upon the many relationships you have in your community, so make sure you’re keeping these relationships up during the pandemic. Talk to community partners about your business and ask for their help endorsing you. Strike new partnerships with other local businesses to offer packages that combine both of your products. Be creative and you’ll remind your community of the importance of supporting your small business.


Use Promotional Products


One way to get  your brand out there while engaging with your customers is to offer free promotional products. These can be t-shirts, caps, or even pens. Your customers will love the free products, and they are a great way to market your small business. 


Learn to Pivot


Many companies are learning the art of the pivot during the pandemic, and that may be something you have to do as well. For example, can your business offer its same great products or services — but through take-home kits? Can you sell gift certificates for the future, once your community reopens? Are you able to stop making X and start making Y? If you can pivot in a way that helps build income and doesn’t cost you more, then you’ll be on your way to navigating the pandemic in a way that can keep your business afloat.


Give Back


Become a community member during the pandemic, if you’re not already. This is a time when neighbors help neighbors, when strangers become friends and when businesses become even more a part of the community fabric — all at a distance. Can you give some of the proceeds of your sales to a cause in the fight against the pandemic? Can you volunteer a service of your business to help? Think creatively about how your business can give back and show it cares — and this will pay off for your brand in big ways.


Bounce Back


Finally, remember that eventually you will bounce back. Yes, not all businesses will survive the coronavirus pandemic, but many will if you enact patience, strategy and creativity. It may take time, so try to wait it out. Do what you can to hold onto savings and to recover lost sales.


Ready to Go Big with Your Brand?


During the coronavirus pandemic, you’re facing many challenges — but by being intentional with these six tips for building your brand, day by day, you’ll be able to learn new lessons and experience better successes. Try some of these tipsi to help build your brand. With a little intention behind this effort, you’ll be positioning your brand for the best it can be as it weathers this global crisis.