(Newswire.net — June 16, 2020) — The studentship is a transition from childhood to adulthood. There is more freedom, new opportunities, but also more responsibility. Many treat this period as a chance to lay down a basis of their future careers, others take it with a certain light-mindedness, and leave everything to destiny. At the same time, everyone agrees that it’s a time of endless possibilities, discoveries, and new experiences. Love, dating, new hobbies, sporting events, parties, new friends are an integral part of student life. Sounds familiar? So, is it possible to find time for internships or part-time work? We say “yes”!
Depending on the university or college program, the academic load, free time availability, students may consider the possibility of a part-time or freelance job. In some countries, students are allowed to work 20 hours a week. According to the educational scientists’ calculations, this number of hours is optimal to combine the educational process with work successfully. A full-time workload is considered excessive and can be detrimental to academic performance.
In the global post-COVID-19 world, remote freelance work becomes one of the most desirable. Many specialists from various fields felt forced to switch to remote work due to the coronavirus pandemic and the limitations of social distancing. Meanwhile, employers noticed that labor productivity remained the same, while remote work allows for saving funds on renting office premises.
For first and second-year students may seem like something from the world of fiction to find time for anything else besides studying. However, it’s the right time to seek an internship or available vacancies in the company of your dreams. Almost at all times, work experience is a must-have requirement to occupy an open job position, and unfortunately, there are no exceptions for recently graduated students. A logical question appears in our head when can a student gain this experience? The answer is while still studying. In case you are afraid that work or internship will take up too much time, and you will not meet deadlines for academic assignments and research, hire a professional paper writer to cover your back.
In this article, we want to pay special attention to freelancing. First of all, let’s define when we say this word what comes to our mind? Mostly everyone imagines a hipster sitting comfortably in front of a laptop at home with a cup of freshly brewed coffee. This relaxing picture inspires calm and a sense of complete freedom. If a career you are studying allows you a freelance opportunity, do not hesitate to surf the web and follow news and vacancies of your favorite companies on LinkedIn, LinkUp, Upwork, etc. Keep in mind that a properly edited CV increases your chances of being hired. Don’t forget to personalize your request, write a cover letter trying to convince the employer that you are the employee he is looking for.
Let’s take a closer look at the advantages and risks of being a freelancer:
Flexible working hours. The most attractive fact is that you decide when you want to work, you set up and adjust your schedule depending on your productive hours. Positive news for students, because it perfectly matches university studies and allows you to live a full life.
Another convincing argument in favor of combining freelance with college studies is that you can work wherever you want. From home, university campus, beach, from anywhere, but always respecting deadlines. The only requirement is a device connected to the internet. Even if you have any issue with your home assignment, you can always have a chance to get professional assistance on essay writing service online.
You decide what projects to take and what conditions to accept. A successful freelancer takes full control over the work time.
You set the price of your services. You choose a convenient form of cooperation and communication with the client. Your income depends on your efforts with new clients. It is worth mentioning that it requires additional time, and often in-depth market research to set a competitive price. In any case, these skills will come in handy in the future career.
Among risks or possible disadvantages of combining freelance work and study, it’s worth underlining that it never promised you a stable employment. You depend entirely on market conditions. For example, during the current quarantine period, many freelancers faced a complete lack of orders. Another critical factor is the lack of social guarantees from the employer.
The indisputable advantage of freelance for students is the opportunity to accumulate such a valuable experience that will be useful in a future career. Depending on the field, you can build up a clientele, create a portfolio, and confirm theoretical knowledge in practice. Everyone has the right to choose. We decided to give you an objective opinion at combining studies and work and inspire you to discover new professional horizons.