Beijing Vows Retaliation Unless US Changes its Policy of Pressure

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(— July 15, 2020) —  China said it would impose sanctions on the US after US President Donald Trump signed legislation intended to punish Beijing for “oppressive acts” in Hong Kong, Russia Today reports.

“The US law…maliciously denigrates Hong Kong’s national security legislation, threatens to impose sanctions on China, and seriously violates international law and basic rules of international relations,” China’s Foreign Ministry said.

President Donald Trump signed a law stating that the United States will hold China responsible for repressive actions against Hong Kong residents.

The law provides sanctions for Chinese officials involved in imposing Beijing’s government legal stranglehold on Hong Kong.

In addition, Trump issued a decree suspending the American preferential treatment of Hong Kong.

The two moves are part of the Trump administration’s offensive against China because, as he calls it, of the unfair treatment given by the growing Asian superpower, which, according to Trump, hid details about the transmission of coronavirus from person to person.

Also, US President Donald Trump said he is behind the ultimatum given to Washington’s allies to ditch China’s telecommunication giant Huawei and its 5G technology.

“We convinced many countries, and I did this myself, for the most part, not to use Huawei,” Trump said in a speech at the Rose Garden on Tuesday.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson ordered on Tuesday that domestic companies have until 2027 to be completely free of Chinese Huawei as a supplier of equipment for British 5G networks.

Johnson risks provoking China’s anger because he announced that the world’s largest manufacturer of telecommunications equipment is no longer welcome in Britain, reports Reuters.

The Trump administration’s decisions against China are coming in almost daily as he is getting a lot of criticism for the rise in COVID-19 cases in the United States, and as he works to portray his expected Democratic challenger, former Vice President Joe Biden, as weak to China.

Relations between the United States and China are on the decline. Since the two countries signed the first phase of the trade agreement, negotiations have stalled with no hope of starting again before the November presidential elections in the United States.