10 Tips to Keep Your Home Organized

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(Newswire.net — September 15, 2020) — Does your house look like a crazy mess — toys everywhere, heaps of clothes laying around, and random stuff over the floor? Despite all your efforts, how can it look so chaotic? It is maybe because the system is so disorganized that by the end of the day you don’t even know where to put things.

Being lazy, and having young children only worsen the disorganization. However, in this article, we hope to change that for you once and for all. No matter how messy your home, these tips including some useful products that we have mentioned will surely help you sort things out in a systematic manner.

Start Organizing Your Home

  1. Make Storing Things Easier

Hidden or long-haul storage places are the main reason why things end up on the floor. For example, having a laundry basket hidden somewhere in the closet will make the storage process harder, thereby compelling people to throw things around. Instead, the basket should be in the open, where you can just store stuff easily.

Experts recommend avoiding storing things behind lids. And stuff that is used often like books, toys, kitchen supplies, and other useful products should be placed in open containers. Remember the shorter the storing operation, the better will be the overall organizing system — and it applies to everything in your house.

  1. Avoid Unnecessary New Storages

When a person decides to organize, the first step he would usually take is to buy new storing supplies. This practice only helps when you either have extra space or everything you own is essential. Otherwise, the house gets cluttered with cabins and containers, which not only looks odd but causes trouble.

So, the solution here is not purchasing new containers for your unused junk but to get rid of it. Slimming down to essentials and the most useful products only will save you a good deal of money on storage supplies. Plus, it would make things much easier to find and restore.

  1. Treat Drawers Right

We usually use drawers like a simple throwing space to hide away the surface mess. That is why we face trouble finding something in that disorder, especially during a last-minute emergency. 

How can we treat them right? Firstly, each drawer should represent a theme — like underwear, stationery, or makeup drawer. Next, the position of the drawer matters — topmost must contain the things you use often, and the rest also goes according to priority. 

Another smart way to achieve ultimate order is by using categories— like name tags representing which clothing item (ties, socks, underwear) to wear on what day. Or, you can also buy useful products like drawer organizers and dividers to sort things out. 

  1. Fix Clutter Hotspots

Whether in the bedroom, kitchen, or even living room, we all have clutter hotspots in our home. And they usually contain useful products that we utilize most often. Before starting to declutter, you must pinpoint these locations. They are often the same in every house, check if the following rings any bell:

  • Hall table
  • Kitchen counters
  • Dressing table
  • The lonely chair in your room
  • Bedside table
  • The bottom side of the bed
  • Garage

Now, comes the fixing — every hotspot is decluttered differently. For instance, for the hall table, you have to permanently change the location of most objects, or better; block the place using decorations. It will prevent any future cluttering while enhancing the overall outlook of the space.

  1. Using A Discarded Bag

Place a discarded bag in your wardrobe as a cluttering alternative. The things you neither wear anymore nor want to throw away go in this bag and only the useful products are hanged. It will allow you to go through your stuff faster, making it easier to choose what to put on. Moreover, when the bag is full, you can easily trade it with someone or even go for a donation.

  1. Arrange Items Smartly

Arrange everything according to how frequently you use them. For example, things that aren’t used for a year should be stored away far. Whereas keep the things you use once in a while behind lids so that you can easily get to them in needed time. 

Lastly, the objects you use daily — keys, remote, tissues, toothpicks, etc. — should be placed in plain sight, making it easier to find them. However, needing stuff daily doesn’t mean that you can toss it anywhere in the house. Designate places for each frequently used object to avoid making a mess — like getting yourself useful products such as a key hanger, or a decorative tissue box.

  1. Invest in A Bookshelf

If you have books and don’t want to throw even a single one away, investing in a bookshelf will make your life easier. It doesn’t need to be a super fancy shelf, but just a simple one, having enough room for all the books, would be fine.  

Some of them come with separate portions along with identifiers, making the storage more organized. The plus point is that it will not only hold the books but also newspapers and magazines.

  1. Use Labels on Objects

Labeling works pretty well when you are living with several family members, especially children. You can label kids’ toy containers so that they don’t mix. It would help them identify their individual storages to keep track of their items. 

For adults and teenagers, labeling their drawers can prevent accidental mix-ups of clothes and other essentials. You can even leave little notes to remind them to stay organized as they usually need a constant reminder to follow the house rules. 

  1. Organize Bathroom Supplies

Everyone in the house has separate shampoo, toothbrush, and other useful products, which are all clustered in a small area. Whenever you reach out for your toothbrush, something always falls down because the counter space/storage space of your bathroom has run out. Introducing new storages, which are separately marked for individuals can help solve this problem.

  1. Set Limits

No matter how many times you declutter, the mess will keep on increasing if there are no limits to what you purchase and allow in the house. For example, the closet you just organized will be a mess soon because of new clothes. 

Setting a limit to how much you should have at one time is the solution here. If you are keen on buying, ensure making room for new items by getting rid of the old stuff.