What To Look for in a Hair Detox

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(Newswire.net — October 3, 2020) — Our hair can ask a lot of us, but sometimes your locks need a little extra attention. Whether you’ve been exposing them to serious chemicals thanks to a new dye or bleach job or it’s just been a while since you’ve given them the nourishment they deserve, sometimes you need to take the time for a more serious treatment.

That’s where detoxes come in. And while it’s easy to discount hair detoxes as a fad, the notion behind them is actually on point. Our hair acquires all sorts of chemicals and detritus over time, and it can be beneficial to flush out those toxins. 

It can be a time-consuming experience, but it’s fortunately not one that you have to do often. But that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be selective when shopping for a hair detox treatment. Here’s what you should keep an eye out for.

Natural Oils

Artificial chemicals and oils are one of the main reasons why you need to detox in the first place, so why would you ruin that by opting for yet another synthetic option? A good detox treatment will rely on natural oils like argan or coconut to nourish your scalp and repair the damage created by artificial chemicals.

In many instances, the core of a good detox routine will simply be an oil. While some people sometimes forget it, good scalp care and good hair care go hand in hand. That said, don’t just pick any natural oils or minerals off the shelf. 

You should find one that’s right for your specific hair and your current condition. For instance, mineral and sunflower oil are great for reducing friction and maximizing shine, while jojoba and coconut oil are all-stars when it comes to repairing particularly damaged hair.

Common Ingredients

There are three ingredients that appear commonly in a detox hair wash, and you should keep an eye out for them when shopping for a new detox. 

Don’t regard them as the holy grail. There are plenty of natural ingredients that can serve as alternatives to these ingredients, but they’re the most common you’ll see and fulfill the three main roles you need in a detox treatment.

Apple cider vinegar is all about nourishing the scalp and letting that nourishment extend to the hair follicles. Vitamin B and C are both abundant in apple cider vinegar, and they’re important for keeping hair healthy. Its role as an inflammatory can also help if you’re dealing with chronic dandruff. 

But the most important role apple cider vinegar plays is in balancing your hair’s pH levels. A large part of detoxing is about balancing that pH and helping your hair fall somewhere in the ideal pH range of 4.5 to 5.5.

Bentonite clay serves the important purpose of healing and fortifying the scalp. This powder is bursting at the seams with minerals like calcium, iron, sodium, and magnesium – all of which are ideal for scrubbing out and cleaning up your pores. That includes purging your hair and your scalp of excessive oil and chemicals that may have seeped in.

Aloe vera gel is one of the best cures to have on hand if you’re ever sunburnt. The same qualities that make aloe vera so good at treating burns also makes it a top choice for damaged scalps and hair. If you’re dealing with an itchy scalp, aloe vera will help reduce the pain – but it can do a lot more than that. The enzymes present help your scalp and hair heal faster, and aloe vera serves as a pretty good conditioner as well!

Be sure to take care of your hard-working hair. Detox and define your hair’s natural beauty.