Here Are 5 Reasons Why We Love the Satin Crew

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( — October 16, 2020) — Each individual is known to have a passion or hobby of their own that they either turn it into a career or they keep it personal. However, that’s not the case for Marco and Alexander, since they have a huge passion for cars and have been showcasing their private collection to the whole world. We have discovered The Satin Crew and have decided to break down 5 reasons why we love them.

They have a strong father and son relationship

The creators behind this company are actually father and son, who share a mutual interest for cars. The company was founded in 2019 and has grown rapidly as a successful online business. They are situated in Germany, but love to show their joint collection to the world. They do not sell products, but their main unique selling point is to show the attractive collection that they have and to inspire others. Marco explained that, “We love to share our passion for the cars we own and would love to invite everyone to our journey and the experiences of owning these cars.”

They have a cool instagram account

What we also love about The Satin Crew is their professional yet artsy photography. Even though all of their models are cars, they have maintained a certain theme to their images which we would describe as cool, sophisticated and an aesthetic theme of dark yet neutral colours. We are not the only ones who love their instagram account, since they have over 47,000 followers supporting them. Alexander explained that, “We love to share our collection with the world and it’s great that we have found many supporters who share the same interests.”

The love for their cars

What’s great about this cool duo is the love for their cars. They have some of the fastest and most beautiful cars that are displayed on their website and are bought from luxurious brands such as Mercedes, Porsche, Lamborghini and Audi. There are detailed descriptions of these cars on their website, for they love both the interior, the mechanics and the exterior of cars. They love going on road trips and recording cinematic style videos, which can usually be seen on their social media accounts such as Tik Tok. Marco stated that, “We just love cars. I grew up loving them and so did Alexander.”

They care for their community

No matter what a person does, they always will belong to a community. Marco and Alex care for their community and always socialise with car lovers too. They also like to motivate others by showing that anyone can work hard towards building a private collection. They see cars as a form of art and beauty, which is why they’re proud. Alexander explained that, “We care about our community, that’s why we want people in our community to be a part of our journey. We have a large variety of different luxury and supercars and are simply sharing our passion about them. As not everyone is able to own these kinds of cars, we are aiming to share how it is to own these cars.”

They love to share car events with us

What we appreciate about The Satin crew is that they’re such car enthusiasts that they love to attend different car events and share them with us. For us car lovers that cannot go to these events, we hand it to them for having to be able to show us the most exciting and entertaining events out there. However, due to the pandemic, there haven’t been many events organised, so we are excited for next year where they will show us more. Until then, they continue to please us with beautiful photos of cars and even videos of them unboxing cool accessories.

Marco explained that, “We love to go on the road with our cars and record our journey. But, we also love to go to different car events and watch the vehicles with super fast speed and durability. We haven’t been able to go to many events this year because of the pandemic, but fingers crossed we will get to go next year.”