Food Specialties of Iran

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( — January 15, 2021) — People of Iran have always been known for their hospitality, be it anyone, whether their friends and relatives or any traveler, they welcome whole-heartedly and offer the best possible they can. Their deluxe cuisine has a historic great interaction with Turkish cuisine, Caucasian cuisine, Greek cuisine, Levantine cuisine, Russian cuisine, and Central Asian cuisine. Because in the past, people used to conquer different lands, the Mughals from the Persian origin, who ruled over the Indian subcontinent have left their aspects of Iranian Cuisine which now in India and Pakistan are also adopted.

Iranian food has its own essence. Most of the Iranian dishes are made with the combination of meat, vegetables, nuts and rice which give them a heavenly taste. Iranian dishes also use fruits and herbs to a great extent. They are great at making their unique taste by mixing together certain ingredients. For an instance: dried lime, saffron, parsley, turmeric, and cinnamon flavorings are used for multiple dishes.

Interestingly, people outside Iran also love to satiate their hunger with exceptionally delicious and fragrant treats of Iran. The food of Iranian origin is found especially in the regions of the Iranian diaspora, for example London, San Francisco, Houston, and Los Angeles.

Here I would talk about some of the many dishes that you must give a try if you are visiting Iran or you can find any Iranian cuisine or store in the vicinity.

  1. Chelo Kabab Koobideh

Simply when you hear about kebab, an image is formed in your mind of the grinded meat seasoned with herbs and spices and shaped circularly before fried. But that’s not it. There are a variety of kebabs being cooked in Iran. Koobideh refers to the ground meat which is seasoned with salt, pepper, and minced onions. Persian people love to eat it with rice. Other kebabs include Joojeh – which are made with whole chicken, giving it the tempting flavor of saffron, butter, onion, and lemon.

  1. Iranian Caviar

One of the luxury foods known around the world is Caviar, which offers you edible pearls from the Caspian Sea. This food has its unique importance on being one of the royal foods known to be consumed by rulers in the past. The egg roe of Sturgeon fish is used for preparation of the Caviar. What makes it so lavish is the fact that it is prepared with the eggs of the Sturgeon when it reaches maturity, the time varies from specie to specie, for an instance, Almas Caviar, one of the rare types of caviar is prepared when the fish reaches about 100 years of age! You might not find this extremely delicious and aromatic food in the restaurants easily, or if you may, it might be expensive enough to afford, you can simply Buy Caviar online at reasonable prices. If you are based in London or anywhere else, you may simply go for Buy Caviar London and read more about it before selecting Caviar of your choice.

  1. Khoresh-e Fesenjoon

Fesenjoon belongs to the Northern hills and coast of Iran where there is abundant growth of walnut and pomegranate trees. This quintessential stew is a must dish to be served in weddings. The chicken with bone is stewed in the pomegranate juice and molasses mixed with toasted walnut. The blended mixture makes a thick sauce (brown in color) giving a sweet and sour flavor to the dish. This is one of the fantastic soupy, juicy, and syrupy dishes of Persian Cuisine.

  1. Ash Reshteh

Ash Reshte – a traditional dish for winter season especially, as it is soupy and this steamy soup is best enjoyed during the cold days. The main ingredients of this Iranian soup are noodles, handfuls of herbs, and beans. It is a complementary dish to certain events like Persian New Year or Nowruz. The yogurt used in this recipe is called Kashk, which is slightly sour in taste than the Greek Yogurt.

There are many other dishes that one may try, for example: Zereshk polo, Khoresht-e ghormeh sabzi, Sabzi polo, Khoresht-e gheimeh, Tahchin, abgoosht and many more, offering different and delightfully scrumptious taste. Not only the meaty and spicy foods are of great variety in Iranian Cuisine, but it also has plenty of sweet treats offering heavenly taste.