Tree Stress Signs

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( — March 9, 2021) — While trees are proven to stand the test of time, they are not invincible. They can get diseases and eventually die of them. When a tree loses its vigor and beauty, a homeowner will grieve over it. How can we know if our trees are under stress? Is there a way to help the tree recover? If you are one of the many property owners who ask these questions, keep reading to find out the answers. 


Storm-damaged branches and limbs

If this is the case for your tree, pruning can do the trick. If your tree is relatively small and you can reach the damaged branch from the ground, you can do the job yourself. However, if you’re dealing with a tall tree, it is best to call a local tree service company to finish the job. 

Cracks or Splits

Some splits are not a point of concern. But if the crack is significant and affects fifty percent of the tree, it may be best to remove it. 

Leaning Tree

Some trees tend to lean gradually over time, and this should not be an issue. However, if the tree leans following a storm, it can indicate that the tree will fall at any given time. Let a certified arborist inspect the tree and tell you what to do next. 

Growth of Fungi or Mushroom at the Base

Watch out for dangerous types of fungi at the base of your tree, such as honey fungus. If you are unaware of them, it is best to talk to a tree expert. 

Sparse Leaves

Most trees under stress show this symptom, and it can happen for several reasons. Make time to assess your tree or call a local tree company to help you determine if the loss of leaves is beyond normal for your tree. 

Early Leaf Drop

Extreme heat, not enough water supply, pests, or diseases usually cause early leaf drop. Ask your local tree contractor what you can do to help your tree recover from this condition.

Early Change in Leaf Color

Your tree may be suffering from stress if it changes its leaf colors too early, or other leaves change color while others remain green. 

Wilting, Yellow, Brown leaves in Newly-Established Trees

If you have recently transplanted your tree, it may be experiencing transplant shock. 

Brown or Sunburnt Leaves in Summer

Your tree may have leaf scorch. It can be caused by many factors such as excess moisture, inadequate roots, or too much fertilizer. This is very common among trees and can be averted rather easily with proper treatment. 

Brown or Spotted Leaves Following a Rainy Season

A fungus may cause the problem, and your tree needs to be treated right away. 

Brown or Yellow Leaves After Drought

We know that trees require adequate water to survive. It is no surprise that you can see the adverse effects on their leaves after long periods without rain. There are instances when drought symptoms will only show after three years. Be proactive in caring for your trees. Give them extra care and attention during the dry season.