Growing Research Suggests Small Habits Can Increase Inflammation Levels

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( — July 1, 2021) Las Vegas, NV — Over the years, more and more researchers are warning against inflammation and the undesirable health consequences it could potentially cause. This is particularly true in cases of chronic inflammation.

According to Lori Miranda, inflammation is the body’s natural response to something harmful. Acutely, it is necessary for helping us heal from injuries and illness.

Miranda is a Certified Health & Wellness Coach, Certified Nutrition Coach, and founder of Wellbody.

“However, chronic inflammation is not good for the body and can lead to several health conditions,” she adds.

There are many diseases and disorders inflammation is associated with the development of. These include arthritis, heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and even cancer. 

One of the best ways to reduce levels of inflammation is to manage stress levels. This can be done successfully by engaging in activities like meditation and yoga. There are even some foods found useful in reducing the levels of the stress hormone called cortisol.

Sleep deprivation has also been found to be a major culprit of high inflammation levels. It is important to understand that when the body is unable to get adequate sleep, it decreases standard immune factors, which can lead to inflammation.

Fighting inflammation may be done through choosing the right diet, and this means consuming foods with anti-inflammatory ingredients.

A spice called turmeric is one, and it is popularized by the curcumin it contains. Aside from its anti-inflammatories, it also has antibacterial, anticarcinogenic, antiproliferative, anticoagulant, antiseptic, antioxidant, and anti-amyloidogenic agents.

In a number of studies, curcumin has been able to demonstrate its ability to offer support to healthy inflammation response.

It is also worth mentioning that the use of curcumin has also been linked with a myriad of health benefits. Its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory powers have long been theorized to fight a range of diseases and disorders.

Some supplements could work wonders in helping deliver the therapeutic goodness of this phytochemical, and one is Incredipure Curcumin.

To help consumers get added nutrition, Incredipure Curcuminis carefully crafted to be highly safe, pure, potent and is effective to use. 

One of its main features is having 750 mg of high-quality and pure curcumin per capsule. What makes it all the more beneficial is that it also offers 120 Vegetarian capsules per bottle.

Incredipure Curcumin is carefully made following strict Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and is also free from lead, mercury, pesticides, anti-caking agents, disintegrants, coatings, PCBs, fillers, stearates, BHT, sodium benzoate, titanium dioxide, coloring, flavoring, GMOs, binders, silicone dioxide, preservatives, and additives (

About Incredipure

Incredipure is a small inutraceutical company specializing in herbal supplements. Manufactured in the United States following strict GMP guidelines, all products are made using only the highest quality ingredients from suppliers within the U.S.


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