Basil Now Found to Be a Science-Based Arthritis-Fighting Herb

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( — July 19, 2021) Orlando, FL — For the many who struggle from painful joint health issues like arthritis, it can be challenging to function at work and home. 

Dozens of millions of Americans are found to suffer from osteoarthritis, which is the most common form of arthritis. Since this disease has remained incurable, experts strongly recommend taking the proven measures in managing it better. 

Medications like NSAIDs are widely used nowadays, especially among individuals with arthritis. It is worth noting that this type of medication leads to the increased odds of serious gastrointestinal adverse events. 

These particularly include the fatal ones like bleeding, ulceration, and perforation of the stomach or intestines. 

What makes the use of this medication even more harmful is that it could also trigger heart health issues. This is why more and more experts are increasingly warning against unsupervised or unregulated use of this medication. 

It is highly recommended to consume some anti-inflammatory foods as this may potentially help lessen inflammation levels inside the body. 

Basil is one of the kitchen ingredients found to have arthritis-fighting potentials. According to experts, adding some fresh basil leaves to an arthritis diet may make a huge difference in joint health. 

A study was carried out and published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 

In this research study, it has been found to suppress a wide variety of arthritis symptoms. This highly therapeutic anti-inflammatory herb may be helpful not just in battling arthritis, but also in other diseases. 

What makes it all the more beneficial is that it contains powerful antioxidants, which may aid in protecting white blood cells. 

Herbs like basil may indeed be an excellent addition to one’s arthritis-fighting diet. It is also worth noting that aside from herbs, there are spices like turmeric found to have anti-inflammatory benefits. 

The kitchen can actually be a powerful source of arthritis-fighting ingredients, as foods like lobsters and shrimps may also have joint cartilage health-promoting substances like glucosamine.

Glucosamine has long been studied due to its remarkable ability to repair cartilage damage. What makes this all-natural remedy even more beneficial is that it doesn’t produce side effects.

Today, more and more arthritis sufferers turn to the use of formulas like VitaBreeze Glucosamine to repair and strengthen their joint cartilage. Aside from having superior-quality glucosamine, it also has turmeric.

What makes this extra-strength supplement even more beneficial is that it also has chondroitin and methylsulfonylmethane (MSM). These are also scientifically-studied ingredients for joint health and arthritis (

About VitaBreeze

VitaBreeze is a nutraceutical brand that manufactures high-quality natural supplements to help people live a healthy, enjoyable, and longer life. All of the company’s products are manufactured in the United States using the finest-quality ingredients that have been carefully selected, tested, and crafted into the firm’s winning formulas. Visit to learn more.


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