Depression, Anxiety May Destroy Health As Much as Smoking and Obesity

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( — July 19, 2021) Orlando, FL — An increasing number of experts warn against diseases and habits that are highly destructive to health, such as smoking and obesity. It is interesting to highlight that mental health issues like anxiety and depression appear to also cause such damage. 

This is according to a study carried out by researchers from UC San Francisco. 

In this research, it has been found that anxiety and depression may be the top predictors of conditions that range from heart disease and high blood pressure to headaches, back pain, arthritis, and stomach upset.

Further, that they have similar effects like obesity and smoking, which are long-established risk factors.

The first author of this study was Andrea Niles, Ph.D., and senior author Aoife O’Donovan, Ph.D., of the UCSF Department of Psychiatry and the San Francisco VA Medical Center.

They looked at the health data involving over 15,000 older adults over a four-year period. It has been particularly found that 16 percent or 2,225 of them suffered from increased levels of depression and anxiety. Further, 31 percent or 4,737 were obese and 14 percent or 2,125 were current smokers. 

The interesting findings of this research were published in the journal Health Psychology on Dec. 17, 2018.

Subjects with increased levels of anxiety and depression were actually found to have a 65 percent heightened odds for a heart condition and 64 percent for stroke. It has further been shown that there was a 50 percent increase for hypertension and 87 for arthritis, compared to those without anxiety and depression.

“These increased odds are similar to those of participants who are smokers or are obese,” said O’Donovan, who, with Niles, also is affiliated with UCSF Weill Institute for Neurosciences.

“However, for arthritis, high anxiety and depression seem to confer higher risks than smoking and obesity.”

Today, more and more researchers looking into the techniques potentially helpful in battling anxiety and depression. It is important to realize that there are remedies like B vitamins scientists have discovered to have mental health benefits.

Over the years, researchers have actually been carrying out studies to investigate the effects of B vitamin intake on overall health. Some studies have highlighted certain B vitamins have the potentials to combat anxiety and depression.

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