Online Active Shooter Proactive Survival Training – E-Learning Course Launched

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Security expert Michael Julian has launched an online training course that provides students with the mental and physical tools they need to survive an active shooter situation.

Author and security firm owner Michael Julian has launched a two-hour online course to teach victims in active shooting situations how to save themselves and those around them, rather than freezing in fear.

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Unfortunately, mass shooting incidents have occurred in a variety of schools, workplaces, houses of worship, and public events. By launching this e-learning course, Julian helps students learn how to recognize the warning signs of potential violence, understand why active shooters kill, and develop the mindset and physical skills needed to survive.

The hope is that victims who recognize the warning signs of potential violence may be able to end it before it begins. The course discusses active shooter statistics, breaks down a killer’s mindset, and gives students insight from an actual survivor of a Las Vegas shooting.

The class encourages potential victims to develop the right survival mindset. They need to feel empowered and determined to get home to their loved ones, rather than frozen in fear or resigned to their fate. The course teaches students proactive reactionism and situational awareness, using a combination of theory and visualization exercises.

The course then teaches the five steps of A.L.I.V.E. which stands for assess, leave, impede, violence, and expose. Students need to know when to run, hide, or fight and the online class outlines the physical tools they may need in an active shooter situation.

Michael Julian CPI PPS CSP has worked in the military and law enforcement for five decades. He is the owner of security firms National Business Investigations, Inc. and MPS Security & Protection. He is also the author of “10 Minutes To Live: Surviving An Active Shooter Using A.L.I.V.E.” He provides in-person and online training courses so people of all ages have a survival manual in case of a violent event.

A satisfied student said: “ALIVE Active Shooter training empowers participants to take action and know why they are doing it. The content is on point and the delivery is nicely done to make the whole course easy to digest and apply.”

Interested parties can learn more by visiting