UK Workplace Bullying and Harassment Prevention Strategies – Book Launched

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Workplace harassment and bullying specialist Josie Hastings has launched a new book aimed at managers. It aims to empower managers to prevent or deal effectively with inappropriate and disrespectful workplace behaviours.

British author Josie Hastings has launched a new book called ‘It Stops Now!’ to tackle workplace bullying and harassment. With over 25 years of industry experience, the harassment, bullying, and discrimination specialist is well placed to help both businesses and employees.

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The newly launched book is available to download for Kindle and in audio. It is ideal for managers as it provides a practical toolkit, proven strategies, and advice to help them support their employees. Josie identifies how bullying has evolved from obvious overt behaviours to more subtle actions such as microaggressions.

Both forms are damaging to employees’ self-esteem and confidence and could have serious implications for an organisation. Managers who are equipped to recognise and deal effectively with harassment and bullying can protect their businesses from time-consuming grievances or legal action taken by disgruntled employees.

Toxic cultures in the workplace have gained negative press in recent years as they are believed to cause workplace stress and mental health issues, as well as a reduction in productivity. Employers must handle the mental and physical wellbeing of their employees while they are within the workplace, which is why ‘It Stops Now!’ is essential for managers.

It teaches them the strategies required to overcome passive-aggressive behaviours, microaggressions, and subtle bullying tactics such as exclusion. In addition, readers will learn how to carry out investigations into inappropriate behaviour and facilitate meetings between the parties involved.

Josie has launched an online course on harassment and bullying for managers and staff to accompany her book. The course is interactive and uses professional actors-coaches to illustrate how to address different forms of harassment or bullying. More details can be found at

Josie aims to help organisations and managers create a collaborative work environment that is respectful and enjoyable for all. This approach can help employees to feel valued and reduce staff turnover.

‘It Stops Now!’ is available to purchase in several formats, including paperback and audiobook, which can be accessed through Audible.

A five-star reviewer wrote: “If you are a manager who is dealing with bullying and harassment, Josie’s book has been written just for you. This book is an excellent guide – Josie draws on her extensive experience of working with managers to address bullying and harassment.”

To purchase a copy of the book via Amazon US, interested parties are encouraged to visit this link