Experts Warn Heavy Alcohol Consumption Significantly Weakens Immunity

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( — October 6, 2021) Orlando, FL — Today, the increasing prevalence of viral infections continues to soar. Experts have been ringing the alarm considering that certain viruses are fatal.

According to health authorities, it is vital to take some measures in strengthening the immune system. Doing this is vital in protecting the body from these health threats and reducing the odds of being in a life-threatening situation. 

In various research studies, scientists have found that measures like having a healthy diet and engaging in regular exercise are effective in boosting immunity. Aside from practicing these healthy habits, it is also recommended to avoid drinking too much alcohol.

It has been found that heavy drinking has the ability to deplete immune cells. There are even some research studies revealing that the macrophages, which are the body’s first-line-of-defense, are not as effective in individuals who consume too much alcohol. 

Scientists have even found that high consumption of alcoholic beverages could result in decreases in the body’s lymphocytes. This is why it is vital to regulate the intake of alcohol, as this drink may also produce a variety of undesirable health consequences.

There are many steps found to be helpful in improving immunity, and this actually includes taking better care of gut health.

According to experts, the intestines have more immune cells than the rest of the body. It is important to take into account that in many cases, immune dysfunction starts with a “failure to communicate” in the human gut.  

It is also worth realizing that 80 percent of the immune system is found in the digestive tract. This is why maintaining a healthy gut plays a vital role in achieving a strengthened and protected immunity. 

Health authorities also warn that when the digestive system functions normally, it serves as a barrier to bacteria, pathogens, and viruses. When there is poor digestion, it leaves the immune system lacking nutritional factors that could have otherwise supported immune function. 

There are many ways to take better care of the gut and one is to consume more digestive enzymes and probiotics. These can be consumed via supplementation, such as the use of Divine Bounty Digestive Enzymes. 

It is essential to note that certain digestive enzymes, as well as probiotics, are also found helpful in boosting immunity.

Individuals who want to increase their protection against viruses may take into account using formulas like Divine Bounty Digestive Enzymes.

Divine Bounty Digestive Enzymes contain 500 mg of digestive enzymes, namely lipase, amylase, invertase, Glucoamylase, papain, and bromelain. It even has prebiotics and probiotics.

For every bottle, it offers 90 Vegetarian highly potent, and pure capsules (

About Divine Bounty

Divine Bounty is a family-owned brand that manufactures high-quality turmeric curcumin supplements. Passionate about the potential health benefits of turmeric, the team behind Divine Bounty has carefully researched and sourced only the best ingredients to create the ideal blend of turmeric curcumin. More details are available at

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