Research Suggests Cranberry Juice Combats UTI-Causing Bacteria

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( — November 25, 2021) Orlando, FL — The increasing prevalence of antibiotic resistance has driven many researchers to study the all-natural remedies in fighting UTIs.

In a study, which was carried out by a team of researchers at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), it has been found that cranberry juice combats bacteria at the molecular level. 

The investigators were able to identify and measure the molecular forces that power up cranberry juice to battle urinary tract infections in humans.  

The findings of this interesting research were published in the Molecular Nutrition and Food Research. 

This study highlights the basic mechanics of E. coli infections, paving the way for the development of new antibiotic drugs and infection-resistant materials for invasive medical devices.

The research team was spearheaded by Terri Camesano, professor of chemical engineering at WPI. It focuses on the virulent form of E. coli bacteria, which researchers say is responsible for about 90 percent of all urinary tract infections. 

The E.coli strain is covered with fimbriae, which are small hair-like projections that act like hooks and latch onto cells lining the urinary tract. When there are enough virulent E.coli that adhere to cells, it leads to an infection.

“We know, on average, how many fimbriae are on each E. coli cell. And the total force we measured correlates with that number. So the data lead us to believe that the fimbriae each bind to a specific receptor on the uroepithelial cells,” Camesano said.

Data showed that there was a weakening in the attachment force of the virulent E.coli as the amount of cranberry juice cocktail increased. 

Scientists have been highlighting the medicinal components of cranberry, especially one that combats the infection called D-mannose. Formulas like Divine Bounty D-mannose are widely resorted to nowadays due to their remarkable healing benefits.

There are those with recurrent UTIs who resort to the use of this remedy in increasing their protection against the infection. It is important to note that D-mannose has long been studied due to its strong ability to protect the urinary tract.

There are many who resort to the use of this supplement in lessening their risk of infection and eliminating their need to use antibiotics. It is important to note that today, the rates of antibiotic resistance continue to soar.

Using preventive UTI remedies like Divine Bounty D-mannose could be extremely helpful in warding off infection and eliminating the need for antibiotics.

This amazing formula is made carefully in an FDA-inspected facility in the U.S. and is even protected with a customer satisfaction guarantee (

About Divine Bounty

Divine Bounty is a family-owned brand that manufactures high-quality turmeric curcumin supplements. Passionate about the potential health benefits of turmeric, the team behind Divine Bounty has carefully researched and sourced only the best ingredients to create the ideal blend of turmeric curcumin. More details are available at

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