Family Getaways: 4 COVID-Safe Ideas to Consider

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( — November 23, 2021) —

With COVID-19 nearing 50 million cases globally, it can feel as if the pandemic is never-ending. 

We’re unfortunately not quite post-COVID yet. However, if you’ve been dying to go on that family vacation, it’s still doable. You just need to take some precautions!

Here are some great ideas for family getaways that you can safely do without worrying about catching COVID-19. 

1. Cabin Trip

A cabin trip somewhere scenic is a great idea for a family getaway.

Pick a place with breathtaking views. You can go there and take a bunch of things to do like board games, food to make, and other activities. Many cabins are also dog-friendly so you can bring your furry family members with you!

It may not seem quite as exciting as going to a beach resort or going somewhere with other families, but you can make some fantastic memories. Taking the time off work and school to head to a remote cabin can be the break from everything you need. 

2. Hiking Trip

If your children are a bit older (or there aren’t children in your family at all), you could also consider a hiking trip — which could even be combined with a cabin getaway.

Hiking is one of those family weekend getaways that suits active families well. You can pick a place with hiking trails of various difficulties, depending on your hiking level. That way, you can also pick the one you’re feeling on each specific day and aren’t forced into anything too strenuous. 

Hiking is great for social distancing because it’s all outdoors and you may not run into too many other people anyway. 

3. Camping Trip

Another great socially distant idea to consider during the pandemic is a camping trip. It’s one of those fun family getaways where you can make some amazing memories.

Start a campfire, roast some marshmallows, tell some ghost stories! 

4. Your Dream Vacation

If none of these suit you, you could always go on your dream vacation. The pandemic may not be over, but that doesn’t mean you can’t live — you should just take precautions while doing so.

Stay at Westgate Resorts in Orlando with water parks and more fun, or head internationally (if restrictions allow). As long as you practice social distancing measures and make sure you stay away, there’s no reason you can’t stay in a hotel.

If you want to be extra safe, choose a vacation rental!

These Family Getaways Are All Safe!

These family getaways are all safe as long as you take the proper precautions. You should, however, make sure you’re practicing good social distancing measures and wear a mask when in close proximity to others.

The pandemic is still ongoing, so caution is required, but that doesn’t mean you have to avoid doing what you want to forever.

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