Web Development Ultimate Guide to Show Your Skills

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(Newswire.net — May 1, 2022) –Here at miyabi-seo.com, we’ve composed a great deal about precisely what to cover in your plan portfolio (read here and here!). Furthermore, it’s a fun point! Outline portfolios resemble gorgeous sights. Hurl in a business card outline, some custom logos, a site mockup, and include some artfulness… and blast! You have a plan portfolio we would all be able to dribble over.

Be that as it may, designer portfolios can be somewhat more baffling. Are potential customers or bosses extremely going to be awed by a pack of code? Furthermore, how would you even demonstrate to them the code you’ve made? A group of appalling sites that work extremely well? That is not prone to leave many individuals awed.

In the event that you need to make it as a web engineer, you’ll require some sort of portfolio. What’s more, fortunately, I’m here to give you some knowledge into precisely how to make your portfolio and what to put in it, regardless of whether your spic and span to tech.

Star With a Basic

The first thing every portfolio needs, whether it’s for a designer, developer, or any other profession, is a few basic things: who you are, what you do, and how to get in touch with you. Think of it as a condensed resume. Make sure that your contact info is easy to find, and make it clear right from the start what you do, exactly. That could mean a list of project types, a list of languages, or similar.

Your Specialized Skill

In some cases, clients or employers will come across your portfolio, and all they know is that they need a “web developer.” They don’t know what they need specifically, other than someone to build their website.

Other times, though, you’ll find that someone comes across your portfolio because they’re specifically looking for a JavaScript developer who’s an expert in AngularJS. Or a Ruby on Rails developer. Or a full-stack developer who’s used to building apps in Python.

If your portfolio just says “I write code,” you’re going to miss out on all of those other employers who are looking for the specific things you do. Don’t be afraid to get a bit technical here. People who don’t know what you’re talking about will probably just be impressed, and people who do will appreciate knowing upfront what you can and can’t do.

Link Your Github Project

One of the best ways to grow your body of work when you’re starting out is to get involved with projects on GitHub or start your own. GitHub is the go-to open-source code repository for the vast majority of developers out there.

Employers hiring developers know and respect GitHub, and many will be suspicious of developers who have no presence on the site. One thing to make sure of is that any code you have on the site is well-documented.

Link to your applicable social media profiles

I already mentioned GitHub, but you should also make sure you link to your LinkedIn profile (make sure it’s up to date!), and if you have a good reputation on the site as an active user, linking Stack Overflow is also a good idea.

Awards and recognition

If a site you were involved in creating has received any kind of award or recognition, no matter how small, highlight it on your site. The same goes for any professional awards or recognition you might get.

If you’ve written for any prominent blogs or other publications, then it’s worth noting those. And if you’ve ever won a hackathon or other competition, make sure you mention it!


If you want to be a real Web Developer, this ultimate guide of Web development tips and tricks will surely help you to better understand how things really work under the hood of your favorite browser, as well as showing you some interesting ways that you can improve your skills. Visit linksbuilding.org for a possible way to improve your SEO strategy without real SEO knowledge. All the SEO strategies we discussed above require no particular SEO skills, and yet they can help you raise your site’s ranking and attract more visitors.