7 Things All Medical Students Should Be Doing to Make Connections

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(Newswire.net — May 2, 2022) –Medical school is a long and difficult journey. The need for support and connection is so important for students who are just starting out or who might be feeling discouraged. Here we’ll cover some of the things all medical students should be doing to make connections in order to build a strong community of peers and mentors around them.

1. Getting Involved with Student Organizations

There are tons of student organizations for medical students to join. Joining these groups is an easy way to build a community and get advice from fellow students. Choosing an organization that matches your interests is crucial, as it will provide you with hands-on experience. Additionally, making connections within the group will be a great way to practice your networking skills.

2. Attending Medical School-related Conferences

Medical school students should aim to be at multiple student events throughout their residency. These events are a great place to build connections with your peers and mentors. On top of that, you will also become more knowledgeable and prepared for your future career by attending these conferences.

3. Signing up for Online Forums

Online forums are a great way for medical students to connect with their peers. There are some forums geared towards specific specialties, and there are also general ones that discuss various topics. Besides that, online forums are a great way to garner advice on what specialty you should choose and the best ways to study for those exams.

4. Joining a Social Media Group

Numerous medical schools students have started their own Facebook or community groups.

Joining one of these groups can be an easy way to meet like-minded peers who might share your goals and interests. These groups also have a lot of potentials when it comes to networking with mentors.

5. Joining an Internship Program

Internships are a great way to get real-world experience and learn necessary skills. Becoming an intern or resident with a specific hospital is a great way to build connections with people in that field who will keep you up to date on important news. On top of that, it’s a great opportunity to get feedback from mentors who can help you decide if that area of medicine is right for you.

6. Getting Involved with your Local Medical Society

Getting involved in your local community is a great way to meet fellow medical students.

Applying for volunteer opportunities in local non-profit organizations is a great way of building connections with people who can help you when you start residency. Additionally, joining your local medical society is a great way to meet people interested in the same topics as you.

7. Participating in Clinical Rotations

Students can participate in tons of clinical opportunities throughout their residency.

Some will provide a great chance for you to meet new people, while others will provide great learning opportunities.

In conclusion, making connections is an important part of the medical school experience. It’s important for students to stay engaged and active throughout their residency in order to build a strong community of peers around them.