Are You Ill? Use These Tips To Get Well Quickly

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( — July 14, 2022) — Being sick is never fun. Unfortunately, it’s not always preventable. Of course, we would all prefer to never be sick, but sometimes there is no way to escape it. What is the best thing to do if you feel you are getting sick, or if you already are? Read the following tips to get well quickly.

  1. Rest 

The most important tip to recover quickly is to rest well. So call in sick at work and cancel your appointments. Of course it’s annoying but it’s very important. Your body really needs all the energy it can get to get the virus out of your body. The more effort you put in, the less energy is left to recover.

  1. Stay warm

It is important to ensure and maintain a good temperature in the environment. By making sure the temperature is comfortable, your body doesn’t have to work harder to stay warm or, on the contrary, to cool down. Turn on the heating when it is cold outside and wear warm clothes. For example, wear a nice sweater (herentruien) and socks (merino wol sokken) or stay under the warm sheets. Of course, it is not comfortable to wear 

a neat long sleeve polo shirt. 

  1. Eat healthy

When you are sick it is of course important to eat healthy. Make sure you get plenty of fruit and vegetables and leave unhealthy, fatty snacks at home. The latter will only make you feel worse. The vitamins will ensure that you’re back to your old self in no time. Ginger tea is also a real savior if you want to get back on your feet quickly. It counteracts nausea and calms your stomach, it is also anti-inflammatory and helps to reduce your cold

  1. Drink enough water

Ginger tea is not the only miracle cure, it is very important to keep drinking enough. When you have the flu, chances are you’re losing more fluids than usual due to fever, vomiting, sweating or diarrhea. To allow recovery to proceed as smoothly as possible, it is important that you drink enough water. Especially when you are sick, it is important to stay hydrated. 

  1. Fresh air

Going outside to get some fresh air is also incredibly important. Light exercise can also help to promote recovery. Think of a walk or gentle yoga exercises. Gentle movement improves your circulation, reduces stiffness and stimulates your lymphatic system. Polluted air has a very big impact on your health. And to think that the air inside the house is often more polluted than outside. Polluted indoor air can significantly reduce your recovery. Keep your windows ajar and make sure fresh air is always flowing into your home.