Does Watching Chinese Shows Improve Your Chinese?

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( — October 14, 2022) — Watching Chinese shows improves your ability to speak and understand the language. However, it can be said that there are definite benefits to watching Chinese-language television programs and movies. The most obvious benefit of exposure to any foreign language is that it helps improve vocabulary and grammar skills. Additionally, by constantly hearing native speakers use the language in natural conversation, an individual’s listening comprehension will also likely improve over time. Finally, another key advantage of viewing Chinese TV shows is that doing so provides learners with a better understanding of how the culture relates to certain aspects of the spoken language – something which textbooks cannot always convey effectively on their own. IFVOD is a TV channel by which you can watch more than 900 TV programs. Swipe up to this article to gain more awareness about Ifvod TV. 

Can you learn Chinese by watching movies?

How much can you learn about a language by watching movies? This is a question that has been asked and debated by students of languages for years. The answer, like so many other things in life, is it depends. 

Some people think that if you watch enough Chinese movies, you will eventually start to understand the spoken language. And while this may be true to some extent, learning a new language takes time and commitment. You can’t simply sit in front of your TV or computer screen all day long and expect to become fluent overnight. But if used correctly, movie watching can definitely help jumpstart your learning process and give you a better understanding of how the Chinese language works overall. 

There are several benefits to using movies as part of your Mandarin study routine: 

1) Movies provide exposure to native speakers speaking at normal speed- One of the main problems with most textbooks is that they use slowed-down dialogues which make it difficult for students trying to improve their listening comprehension skills. Most films are narrated at natural speed so beginners can get an idea of how natives actually speak the language without too much difficulty; 

2) Movies allow learners access to more vocabulary- Every good movie contains rich dialogue packed with interesting words and expressions relevant to the story. By watching films, students can learn new vocabulary in a contextualized manner and with little effort; 

3) Movies help improve grammar- In addition to exposing learners to new words, movies also offer plenty of opportunities to observe correct grammar usage. Films are an excellent way for students to see how native speakers use language in natural settings; 

4) Movies teach culture- Along with language, good movies also teach valuable cultural information. By watching well-made Chinese films, students can not only learn about China’s culture but will also be entertained at the same time! If you want to see multiple Chinese shows with English subtitles then ifvod is the one solution for all of your problems. Go over this article to read more about ifvod. 

Does watching Chinese TV help learn the language?

There is no definitive answer to this question. In some ways, watching Chinese TV can help people learn the language, while in other ways it may not be as helpful. Ultimately it depends on each person’s individual strengths and weaknesses when learning new languages. 

For those who are already relatively comfortable with spoken Mandarin, watching Chinese TV can certainly improve their listening skills and overall understanding of the language. This is because television provides a natural context for conversation; viewers can see how words are used in different situations and hear native speakers use them correctly. Additionally, many popular Chinese shows incorporate subtitles which can make following the dialogue easier. For learners who want to improve their reading skills too, there are also a number of news programs and documentaries that are broadcast without any accompanying subtitles. 

However, simply tuning into Chinese TV broadcasts will not magically enable someone to start speaking fluently like a native speaker overnight; 86% of communication is non-verbal after all! To get the most out of consuming media in order to learn Mandarin effectively then supplementary activities such as practicing conversations with friends or online tools (such as Lang8), writing down new vocabulary learned from programs/movies, etc., and doing quizzes/gap fills would help in learning chines. 

Some recommended TV programs with accompanying subtitles that are designed to help learners of Mandarin include: 

The following list is not exhaustive but provides an overview of some popular Chinese TV series available with English subtitles. 

This documentary follows a group of students from the United States who travel to Beijing in order to learn Chinese at a university there. The show covers everything from their first tentative steps in learning how to speak and read Mandarin, through progressing onto more complex grammatical structures, and eventually becoming proficient enough in the language to hold conversations about various topics. This program can be useful for beginner-level learners as it progresses gradually from basic vocabulary and sentence constructions to more nuanced grammar points. For further entertainment and education-related knowledge check out our website