A Study Now Shows Healthy Bacteria May Lessen Lupus Symptoms

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(Newswire.net — October 24, 2022) Orlando, FL — In the United States, lupus happens to around 3 million people. This autoimmune disease called lupus causes chronic fatigue, rash, fever, joint pain, renal failure, and even death. 

Scientists have been investigating techniques to help lupus sufferers manage their condition. It is worth noting that in a study, yogurt intake was found to be beneficial.

This study was carried out by researchers at the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine at Virginia Tech.

The findings explain how a certain type of healthy bacteria found in yogurt as well as other products may lessen disease symptoms in some lupus patients. 

This research was spearheaded by Xin Luo, assistant professor of immunology in the Department of Biomedical Sciences and Pathobiology, along with her colleagues.

They expanded upon earlier studies associating a lack of lactobacillus and autoimmune conditions like lupus. It is worth noting that this bacteria is found to produce lactic acid and is an essential part of the gut microbiota in both humans and mice. 

“In our 2014 paper, we found that mice with lupus had decreased amounts of Lactobacillus, which led to our hypothesis that adding this bacteria could ameliorate disease symptoms,” said Luo.

The lead author of the study also said they were able to find that the mice had a “leaky gut,” which is a condition that affects the intestinal lining. 

“Probiotics, such as Lactobacillus, work by patching up and reversing the leaky gut,” Lou added. 

The National Resource Center on Lupus reveals that lupus nephritis usually develops within the first five years after the start of the symptoms and as many as 40 percent of all people with lupus.

“In addition, we found that the addition of Lactobacillus to the diet only affected female mice and not males,” said Luo, who also revealed that this condition is 10 times more prevalent in females than in males. 

“We think that testosterone is suppressing the effect of the healthy bacteria. Before our study, researchers had never looked at male hormones suppressing the probiotic effect before,” the researcher further explained.

Maintaining gut health is undeniably helpful in fighting symptoms, such as those produced by lupus. There are supplements like Divine Bounty Digestive Enzymes that may be helpful in delivering gut health benefits. 

Divine Bounty Digestive Enzymes contain 500 mg of digestive enzymes, namely lipase, amylase, invertase, Glucoamylase, papain, and bromelain. It even has prebiotics and probiotics.

For every bottle, it offers 90 Vegetarian highly potent and pure capsules. (www.amazon.com/Digestive-Enzymes-Probiotics-90-Capsules/dp/B076MDX648).

About Divine Bounty

Divine Bounty is a family-owned brand that manufactures high-quality turmeric curcumin supplements. Passionate about the potential health benefits of turmeric, the team behind Divine Bounty has carefully researched and sourced only the best ingredients to create the ideal blend of turmeric curcumin. More details are available at http://www.DivineBounty.com.

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